The typical OMG it's radiation so it must be bad line.
More people die from the fear of radiation than the radiation itself.
Take Chernobyl.It is estimated of the 600,000 most exposed that is the cleanup workers and those who were living in the exclusion zone that at most 4000 will die of a radiation induced disease-remember that is 4000 of 600000 deaths.
Yet suicide rates in Europe spiked after the event and there was an increase of ~250000 abortions in Europe in the year afterwards.
The background radiation rate in Pripyat in 2001 was 50% lower than that in Australia yet you still have shows such as 60 minutes and Top gear saying how dangerous it is to go there and you do need a special permit.Pripyat was the closest town to Chernobyl.
Then you have the disgraceful Helen Caldicott on 60 minutes saying that the IOC are criminal in awarding the Olympics to Tokyo.3 weeks after Fukushima the background levels of radiation in Tokyo were less than that of Australia and 15% of that in Cornwall,UK.
The spectre of congenital malformations after radiation exposure is always mentioned.As yet none have been recorded in the children of survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And there is evidence that a single dose of low level ionising radiation is not all bad as with figure 3 of this report- radiation effects and radiation hormesis.pdf
Chernobyl Accident: Health Impacts
Hong Kong, Cornwall Radiation Beats Tokyo Even After Japan Nuclear Crisis - Bloomberg