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  1. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Thank you. :) Give them a year, you'll be fine.
  2. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Thanks. Nobody was across from me on the herc so I had plenty of leg room. And the crew gave me a second sandwich and biscuits. I suspect that's about as good as it gets. :)
  3. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Thank you. Yes, home. First stop was the coffee club at arrivals. Unfortunately, upon entering the terminal we were all shepherded straight into passport control, no duty free. Many people disappointed. Various estimates have shown that at least 80-odd people are scattered around New Caledonia...
  4. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Landed Brisbane on the first Herc today. Thank you everyone in the RAAF.
  5. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Today's update, two flights tomorrow...
  6. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Received a call from DFAT earlier this evening, confirming our hotel location, and that we still wanted to leave, kthxbye. The summary of the rumour mill is that the French want to take care of everything... in their own sweet time. While making it difficult for others. Who knows?
  7. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    The charter 777 departed for Brisbane. Our foreign minister says DFAT is trying to get permission for RAAF to return. No word from the French today so far. Mrs snagged a BBQ chicken, love that woman.
  8. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Thursday. Lots of sirens this morning. Spotted a charter 777 inbound, feels promising: And fresh towels today. Lovely.
  9. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    The jet for the lucky ducks:
  10. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Today's flight was apparently evenly spread between Australia, NZ, Japan and the US (about 50 each).
  11. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Ah, the DFAT email just arrived. No flights tomorrow, French are too busy (and Macron is arriving).
  12. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Wednesday. Nothing Sorry, still here. Got up early, packed, went back to bed until 10, then zipped out for our daily food shop. Played chess all day until lunch at 2 then worked until 6. Mrs found a jar of instant coffee at the store. Excellent! Food isn't an issue any more if you can get to...
  13. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    No. You just get the call to go in twenty minutes.
  14. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Thanks. It's part of the air bridge flights. The good news is that they refuel in Brisbane, so we hope the French graciously allow us to fly between NOU and BNE... if they can get us to La Tontouta safely.
  15. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    I would propose the French would rather sort it out themselves (national pride and all that). Plus Macron is on his way out here as well...
  16. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Here's the latest missive from DFAT. Spot the twist in the plot:
  17. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Yeah a little. And it's in valet as well.
  18. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    Indeed. TBH I'm looking forward to it, a little bit of adventure. There goes ASY580. Not my photo:
  19. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    No idea. Their goal is to return us to Australia safely, and all we know so far. I suspect they return to Brisbane or Amberley. Glad my car is in BNE car park.
  20. toowongman

    Troubles in Noumea

    A couple of APCs is easy - in, in, out, out. Many people with many bags, eats up time. RAAF would have to find a balance between pissing people off (HLO) and flapping around when time is short dealing with the bags.