Diner's Club - lounge access on arrival?

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Jul 6, 2015
Anyone know if this is allowed? Can't find anything on the Diner's Club site. I'd prefer to have something in writing I can refer to rather than just a call.
Sadly I think you are correct. Some of the lounges say you just need your card in order to get in and some say card + boarding pass, which of course I won't have.

I wanted to kill 4+ hours waiting time (for friend to arrive) in Singapore next year. Might have to pay for access.
Yes I think priority pass would help In that instance for SIN arrivals lounge or as you say, pay for access
So just to confirm the supplementary diners club card also grants lounge access?

Will be using for myself and my wife to access rex lounge in Melbourne on upcoming trip shortly. We have 2 cards, but the second is an additional card linked to my account but in her name.
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