Westpac Altitude to SQ transfers now 2:1 rate (instead of 3:1)


Senior Member
Feb 23, 2015
Star Alliance

Don't have a card to confirm this myself, but several OzB members have commented that the rate is showing on their account.

Obviously excellent value and an unexpected improvement while other issuers are devaluing their SQ rate. Hopefully sticks around, but I expect it won't take long for someone to fix... So get in quick.
Both my husband and my Altitude are showing 2 for 1, so just transferred into our Krisflyer accounts. Hope it is ongoing, need more points for January 2025.
Thanks for the heads up - just checked and it's showing 2:1 for me too - CX still at 3:1 so transferred out all my points - wasn't planning to but will take a punt on this. Just recently cleaned out my SQ balance for a trip over the holidays.
I just checked and mine landed safely in KF just a matter of deciding what I’m going to redeem them for and finding availability … 1st world problems.
Final update: Some more points landed in my Westpac account so went to convert them to SQ - transfer rate is back to 3:1 so glad I saw this thread - thank you :)

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