The owner of the Australian Frequent Flyer website, Point Hacks, receives commission on most credit cards mentioned on the site, usually payable upon a completed credit card application. Commissions range from under $100 for basic credit cards and up to $400 for premium credit cards. For all outbound links to credit card offer pages, we declare where a commission will be earned from an application close to that link on the page.
Note: If you use the Adblock plugin for your browser, you may not see credit card application links.
The site does not cover all products on the market, and also does not compare or include all features or fees of the products that are covered. We do not rank credit card products as one card may be more suitable for one consumer than another.
You should seek independent financial advice and consider your own personal financial circumstances before applying for any credit card.
Other referral commissions
Point Hacks are a part of an affiliate sales network. This means that many product and service issuers who’s products you see while navigating our site in some cases may pay us referral fees for sending them new customers.