Opinion: Airlines Must Take the Seatbelt Sign More Seriously

No-smoking and seatbelt signs on a plane
Seatbelt signs are a great defence against turbulence-related injuries, but not enough people (or airlines) are using them properly. Photo: Adobe Stock.

Earlier this week, a Singapore Airlines Boeing 777 flying from London to Singapore encountered severe turbulence over Myanmar. One passenger on SQ321 sadly died. Dozens more were taken to hospital with injuries after the pilots diverted to Bangkok.

Severe turbulence to this degree is extremely rare. Most flights are relatively smooth, and even when there is turbulence, it rarely causes injuries. But flying is unpredictable, and there is always a small chance of hitting unexpected turbulence.

Last year, a British Airways flight from Singapore to London (the opposite direction of SQ321) had to return to Singapore after severe turbulence injured multiple crew members. And two months ago, 50 passengers were injured when a LATAM flight from Sydney to Auckland suddenly pitched down sharply. That particular incident was not caused by a weather event, but the effect was the same. Those are just two more examples.

Most flights are certainly not this eventful, and my intention in drawing attention to this is not to scare anyone about flying. Overall, flying remains one of the safest modes of transport! But I do want to highlight one of the best defences available against turbulence: seatbelts.

The risks of turbulence

There have been some media reports claiming that SQ321 “plunged 6,000 feet” due to the turbulence, but that is incorrect. The pilots intentionally descended during that phase of flight as they were preparing to divert the plane to Bangkok (and probably hoping for some clearer air at a lower altitude).

Planes are designed to fly safely through pretty much any weather conditions. Commercial airliners don’t fall out of the sky due to turbulence at cruising altitude.

Passengers are at risk, however, of hitting the ceiling or getting struck by loose objects if the plane hits strong turbulence.

Studies have shown that climate change will cause turbulence to get stronger in years to come, so this risk isn’t going away.

If you’re worried about turbulence, or want to learn more about the topic from a pilot’s perspective, this video from Petter Hörnfeldt (a.k.a. Mentour Pilot) is highly informative:

Always keep your seatbelt fastened while seated

Luckily, seatbelts exist. They are specifically designed to protect passengers from sudden movements.

This is why airlines always ask you to keep your seatbelt fastened whenever you’re seated, even when the sign is off. In fact, Qantas specifically lists this is a requirement passengers must obey in its conditions of carriage.

Initial reports are that none of the passengers who were wearing a seatbelt on SQ321 went to hospital. It’s a timely reminder to always keep your seatbelt on when sitting down.

But that’s not the only thing I think the aviation industry should take away from this accident.

Airlines also have a responsibility

I hope that this accident also prompts a discussion about how airlines themselves use the seatbelt sign.

Even if you keep your seatbelt fastened while seated, the reality is that it’s not practical to remain in your seat for an entire 13-hour flight from London to Singapore. Passengers need to use the bathrooms, stretch their legs and retrieve items from the overhead bins. The cabin crew are also constantly on their feet, providing meals and attending to passengers. (This is a major reason why a disproportionately high percentage of people injured by turbulence are flight attendants.)

Sometimes turbulence comes without warning. But, often, the pilots will have a heads-up as they’ll be able to see the weather ahead on their radar screens. They also have access to weather forecasts, and may receive reports of turbulence from air traffic control or other pilots who have recently flown through the same airspace.

When pilots believe turbulence may be ahead, they have a great tool at their disposal: the “fasten seatbelt” sign. By turning this on, they can warn passengers and cabin crew in advance that it’s a good idea to sit down and buckle up.

Frustratingly, I often see airlines overusing the seatbelt sign to the point that everyone ignores it. This isn’t specifically an observation about Singapore Airlines, but airlines in general.

I’ve flown with a lot of different airlines in different parts of the world. Their approaches to using the seatbelt sign vary enormously.

How Qantas pilots use the seatbelt sign

I think Qantas really gets this right. It seems to be company policy that the pilots switch off the seatbelt sign as soon as it’s safe after take-off, then switch it back on shortly before landing. The seatbelt sign stays off for the rest of the flight, unless there is actual or expected turbulence. Once the risk of turbulence has passed, pilots promptly switch the seatbelt sign off again.

In addition, when the seatbelt sign is illuminated on Qantas flights, all the flight attendants also return to their seats. It sends a very clear message: When the seatbelt sign is on, it’s serious. Buckle up.

Qantas A330-200 domestic Economy cabin
Qantas pilots do not overuse the seatbelt sign. Photo: Matt Graham.

Other airlines adopt different approaches

Last month, I flew with Iberia on a trans-Atlantic flight. Iberia’s approach to the seatbelt sign was the complete opposite to Qantas – it was kept on for almost the entire ten-hour flight. I’ve also experienced this on long flights with avianca and Air China.

On this particular Iberia flight, it was indeed a bit choppy during the start and middle of the flight. But once the turbulence had passed, the pilots never switched the seatbelt sign back off. At some point, passengers and cabin crew just started ignoring it. And I don’t really blame them – you can’t be expected to stay seated for ten hours!

View of an Iberia Airbus A350 wing as the plane descends towards Madrid, Spain
Iberia pilots kept the seatbelt sign on for almost an entire ten-hour flight. Photo: Matt Graham.

Overuse of the seatbelt sign leads to complacency

If there had actually been severe turbulence coming up on that Iberia flight, passengers and crew would have been walking around the cabin despite the seatbelt sign ostensibly being on.

In North America, I often find that the seatbelt sign is kept on during the entire climb and descent phases of the flight – so, around the first and last 30-40 minutes of the flight – even if the flying conditions are smooth. This often seems a bit overkill.

On some overseas airlines, I also regularly see cabin crew walking around and continuing their service while the seatbelt sign is on. Whether they realise it or not, doing this sets an example for passengers that they can just ignore the seatbelt sign as well.

At some point, I have to wonder if airlines are using the seatbelt sign primarily as a way to limit their own liability, rather than in a way that actually maximises safety.

When airlines abuse the seatbelt sign by keeping it on unnecessarily for hours at a time, people ignore it. And then, when there actually is turbulence, people are less likely to take the warning seriously. It’s a case of “the boy who cried wolf”.

For what it’s worth, passenger reports from SQ321 claim that the seatbelt sign was on during the turbulence incident. But there were still a lot of passengers and crew walking around at the time. This may be because the seatbelt sign hadn’t been on long enough yet for everyone to get a chance to sit down – or because some people were simply ignoring it. It’s probably a combination of both.

An investigation will examine the details of this particular accident. But I hope this prompts airlines globally to reflect on how they use the seatbelt sign.

The editor of Australian Frequent Flyer, Matt's passion for travel has taken him to over 90 countries… with the help of frequent flyer points, of course!
Matt's favourite destinations (so far) are Germany, Brazil & Kazakhstan. His interests include economics, aviation & foreign languages, and he has a soft spot for good food and red wine.

You can connect with Matt by posting on the Australian Frequent Flyer community forum and tagging @AFF Editor.

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I'm a nerd and always wear my seat belt at all times. I have never found a seat belt to reduce my overall comfort. I don't understand why passengers would remove their seat belt for extended periods whilst seated. This is even more important when you want to sleep.

I totally agree that overuse of the seat belt sign causes complacency.

Reply 17 Likes

I find a lot of airlines are in the middle, who put the seatbelt sign on for turbulence but leave it on for a long time, and the crew are cool with pax walking to the toilets or getting stuff from the lockers.

If the sign is on, it’s on. The minute you treat it as a suggestion it defeats the purpose.

Reply 11 Likes

I find a lot of airlines are in the middle, who put the seatbelt sign on for turbulence but leave it on for a long time, and the crew are cool with pax walking to the toilets or getting stuff from the lockers.

If the sign is on, it’s on. The minute you treat it as a suggestion it defeats the purpose.

And when it gets used for crowd control during meal times that also extends the unnecessary amount of "on" time.

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And when it gets used for crowd control during meal times that also extends the unnecessary amount of "on" time.

There should be a unrecline/dining sign to replace the non-smoking default

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Agree that QF (VA too) use the seat belt sign appropriately, the worst are the north american carriers who are so conservative with it that it gets ignored - particularly on long haul flights where its impracticable to stay seated for long periods of time

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Like most here I always have my seat belt on unless dashing to the bathroom. And over the blanket if asleep. And it does seem like these issues are where seat belts aren't regularly used.

However, I came to the conclusion on recent MH flights that the seat belt 'on sign' is an excuse for poor cabin service, and the non service of hot drinks. There had not been any turbulence and yet the seat belt sign stayed firmly on after take off. I gave up getting a hot drink after a couple of hours and went to sleep. Woke up hours later and despite no turbulence, still on. I asked for another Hot Drink. Nope. Sign on. When that happened on 2 flights of several hours duration and smooth skies then it worries me about other implications.

And because of the length of time, people were ignoring it. Freely going to bathrooms etc. Walking around the plane.

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Could not agree more with this! The “cry wolf” phenomenon is unfortunately very common, in my experience particularly in the US and in China but the Iberia example does also not surprise me in the slightest bit.

And yes, Qantas is amongst the best in not leaving it on unnecessarily long if conditions are smooth. So as a result, if that sign goes on aboard a Qantas sign, you know for sure to better buckle up!

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Great article. I flew on SQ21 Newark to Sing last week, a 19 hour mega journey. It was quite bumpy in parts but the length of time the fasten seat belt sign was on was disproportionate to the turbulence and was therefore totally ignored by crew and passengers alike who continued to move around the cabin throughout. I agree with the Qantas approach. It just makes sense. (And the window shade policy too while I’m at it!)

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I am also a seat belt nerd and always have it on. I am still surprised once we reach required altitude and the sign goes off, that I still hear a handful of clicks !
I am terrified of turbulence and I travel a lot for leisure. I am probably going to dehydrate myself on my Singapore- Istanbul slight in July so that I can avoid going to the toilet !
I feel for those PAX, I hope they can still psych themselves back on a plane again.

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I find a lot of airlines are in the middle, who put the seatbelt sign on for turbulence but leave it on for a long time, and the crew are cool with pax walking to the toilets or getting stuff from the lockers.

If the sign is on, it’s on. The minute you treat it as a suggestion it defeats the purpose.

Agree but sometimes the only alternative is to do a Gerard Depardieu or you take responsibility in case of turbulence!

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