Mars Versus Venus, Jason Versus Freddy and Monsters Versus Aliens are all age-old battles fought hard with no clear winner. This week one member draws a new comparison and thinks Banks and Airlines are comparable in terms of service and dispute resolution. The question is: which service wins the fight to the bottom?

The key similarities noted by our members are that both banks and airlines encourage customers to give feedback about service via a website rather than direct one on one interaction. The difficulties in bureaucracy and having lengthy terms and conditions governing the relationship are also a key characteristic. Both institutions also have an element of monopoly. Once you’ve booked your ticket or deposited your money it is difficult, time-consuming and sometimes costly to change service-providers.

So who comes out in front? Some members believe that banks are starting to lift their game in terms of service. Other members think we have little to complain about with Australian airlines when comparing them to their foreign counterparts.

Let us know which team you would back HERE.
