Book the flights as one way flights on the AA website. When I advise I'm in Australia tI'lll be told to put the booking on hold and call AA to pay by credit card.
serfty said:
I book online and hold; Also check return options, sometime you'll get what you are after and it's cheaper with a round trip
Phone the Australian AA number.
serfty said:
Early mornings right after 9:15am seem to reduce the hold time.
Brisbane AA office will charge my card and send you a confirmation receipt in the mail. (All done in Australian dollars).
serfty said:
The Brisbane call centre agents will convert the booking to AUD and Quote the AUD price. Ticketing is still done in SYD; the Brisbane call center merely 'queues' you booking to Sydney.
If the booking is over $1000, as it will be in total for several flights, they'll send me a fax pro forma to confirm in writing.
serfty said:
Not sure about the actual limits I have had a few bookings (both finalised in IndiAA and BrisbAAne) and the only one they emailed a form for was ~$7600. I have not had to do this for ~$1600 purchases. A big YMMV on this one!
Il watch the PNR get updated to ticketed in due course.
serfty said:
You are likely to get an email at the same time. Print and archive this; the ticket number is important; you can't always retrieve this online.