I can only speak for the iPhone, but I believe it’s still got the largest resolution screen of any phone on the market (feel free to correct me anyone), so at least you’ve got the good screen ticked off there.
Some of the Samsung handsets are equal to the iPhone in screen quality and are a little larger.
That said, this is flame war territory between handsets (like windows vs mac

I'll freely admit to being an 'Apple Advocate' but I do try and look at things subjectively.
From the reports around the office of those with Android, is it's good but not nearly as polished as iOS is on the iPhone. Apparently the email client is decidedly average bordering on bad, but there are things like free turn-by-turn sat nav (courtesy of an upgrade from Google this week).
That said, after last w/end, i'm perfectly happy sticking with my iPhone. As of the latest iOS release for iPhone, Apple has made 'Find My iPhone' free for all (instead of previously requiring a paid subscription to their content service Mobile Me). I left my phone in a cab in BNE, was able to log-in to the Find My iPhone section on the Mobile Me website, track it, lock it, and send a message to it that displayed a message (and plays a tone) asking the cab driver to call me. A Passenger heard/found it, saw the message and called the BNE J lounge. It was returned to me in safe order (minus me being out of pocket having to pay the cab to return to the airport). This saved me a lot of heartache and headaches.
I know some of the other systems have similar options, but the ease of which this worked was excellent and reminded me of the whole Apple philosophy of ease of use and functionality.
Just don't get one on any network but Telstra. Once you start using data, you're not going to cope with Optus or Voda/3. Smartphones encourage you to use data, and Telstra's network really is 'the cough' when it comes to speed (There are lots of horror stories about Optus and Voda/3 on whirlpool if you want to look).
And I couldn't care less about Flash. Bloated, security-hole, memory hogging, CPU wasting software. The sooner the world embraces HTML5, the better