The top Australian wines to try before you die
The brief was to pick just half a dozen of this country's wines for a tasting bucket list, so I'm risking provoking outrage to nominate my best of the best.
- Seppelt Show Sparkling Burgundy/Shiraz [Great Western]
- Noon Winery High Noon Rosé [McLaren Vale]
- Best’s Old Vine Pinot Meunier [Great Western]
- Mount Pleasant Maurice O’Shea Shiraz [Hunter Valley]
- Wendouree Cabernet Malbec [Clare Valley]
- Seppeltsfield 100 Year Old Para Vintage Tawny [Barossa Valley]

The Top 12 Australian Wines of 2020 - Tyson Stelzer
My Top 12 Australian Wines of 2020 is not a curated list, but simply the pinnacle of my top-scoring wines of the year. The final line up provides a fascinating insight into Australia’s benchmark styles on the world stage right now: four cabernet blends, four shiraz, two chardonnay, one riesling...

Anniversary Wines For A Big Celebration: What To Drink When The Year Is More Important More Than The Price - Quill & Pad
Wine can be so much more than just an enjoyable drink. It can link us to times, people, and places. A traditional concept for so-called anniversary wines is to celebrate a milestone, perhaps a birthday or wedding or even anniversary, with a fine bottle from the vintage of the birthyear or...

How to Think About Wine Vintages (Published 2021)
Conventional wisdom can often lead consumers away from delicious wines. Better to think of individual years in terms of character than of quality.

Victoria’s Hidden Wine Gems with Amanda Yallop
Victoria has a vast array of producers: over 800 wineries throughout 20 wine regions with a wide range of styles and quality to enjoy. It’s a small state with a lot to say. Join us and discover the hidden wine gems of Victoria.

Penfolds Bin 60A 1962: Australia’s Greatest Wine Ever (Or Certainly A Serious Contender) - Quill & Pad
Best Australian wine of all time? There are a few options, but for Ken Gargett there's a clear winner: Penfolds Bin 60A 1962, a wine that was never commercially released. And whether the Bin 60A 1962 is indeed the GOAT of Australian wine hardly matters. He does suggest, though, that if the...

Clare versus Eden Valley riesling
If someone put two glasses of riesling in front of you, one each from the Clare and Eden valleys, would you be able to pick the difference? #AdelaideHills #ChaffeyBrosWineCoTripelpunktRiesling2019 #clarevalley

Freak of a riesling
The wine in the spotlight this week is Rieslingfreak. Yes, that is its name. #BaronsofBarossa

How Heathcote’s vineyards are adapting to climate change
Altered conditions have spurred winemakers in the region famous for its shiraz to plant new grape varieties, adapt their viticulture and tweak production techniques.
No country for old shiraz
A changing climate and evolving winemaking styles only serve to stoke the debate about what a typical Heathcote version of this drink should be.
Wine Life: Why you should break this wine pairing rule
It's worth breaking the rules every now and then, writes Max Allen.

Serving order of wine
The general convention for the serving order of wine is dry before sweet, ordinary before fine, and young before old. #drywine #oldwine #redwine

When is a wine corked?
There are nagging issues that even seasoned wine drinkers aren’t sure about. Such as cork taint. #corktaint #GoodWeekendMagazine #servingwine

Wine on the level
Whenever you buy a bottle of wine that is sealed with a cork it is important to stand the bottle upright and check the distance between the cork and the wine level. #Ullagelevel #winebuying #winecorks

Wine and cheese might be good for us
A study by Iowa State University suggests cheese and red wine may be good for us. #AurielWillette #BrandonKlinedinst #Cheese

Best Wines Of The World Competition Winners – And How They Are Judged - Quill & Pad
Anyone seriously interested will have some fun poking around all the results of the Best Wine of the World competition. Here Ken Gargett explains a bit about different methods of judging wine (surprise, he thinks the Aussie way is best), talks some anecdotal background, and reveals a gaggle of...

Honouring Tony Bilson
Some friends and admirers of Tony Bilson recently staged a special dinner as a tribute. #Amuseboucheofoysterterrine #AndréPerretCondrieuCôteaudeCheryVendangesTardives1990 #CarruadesdeChâteauLafite2005

When Wine Is More Than Just a Drink (Published 2020)
The winemaker Taras Ochota, who died in October, created unique wines that were a touchstone for our Australia
'I don’t think it’s hit me': A rock’n’roll winemaker’s legacy
Taras Ochota made attention-grabbing wines with the energy and edginess of the punk music he loved to play. But then tragedy struck.
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