Says the guy that’s essentially trolling a thread full of Apple fanboi’s
Seems like you got the response you were looking for
The thing is, I already have a Core 2, I’ve had one for 3 years and would love to move onto something a bit better. it’s like the G4 updates that always seemed to be another couple hundred MHz, pretty worthless in the grand scheme of things. Whereas, the iX processor as you say, has a few more features under the hood that the Core 2’s don’t.
As for the other options you’ve mentioned, I don’t look at them not because I like Apple products and was probably a fanboi when I was a little younger, but I do so because I like the OS I’m using, and know there’s only one place I’m going to get it, without having a load of hassles trying to get it to run on hardware it wasn’t made for (ala Hackintosh). I’m used to it and don’t particularly like using windows that much, I can, but feel I’m much more productive on my mac these days.
So when looking for a newer model, I’d prefer the update to be a little bigger than 240MHz at a minimum
First off, I'm not trolling apple fanboi threads. I'm offerring my opinion about 1 apple product. Clearly, I'm not so stuck to apple that I can't find fault. That doesn't mean I don't respect others opinions about that product, but then I also don't expect to be told the cough*ing blindly obvious about the product that I have a neutral opinion about.
Yes I agree on the upgrades and I would love a iX processor. But I don't want to spend $4000 on a sony to get the 1.4 kg weight and I don't want to lug around a 15 inch MBP which weights what? 3 kg? Also my current laptops have an atom, pentium and maybe a 486 (I think I that still works). Core 2 is great.
I guess this is again a circular argument. People compare it to a laptop and say it doesnt do the same as a laptop but it is not meant to be compared to a laptop. It would be like saying it is no use as a phone as it can't easily be used as a phone.
I would also suggest that it can be used as an ebook reader which a laptop cant easily be used as.
Totally my mistake - I thought I had read 1.2lbs - roughly 500g. So going back which laptops weigh less than 730g without removing the battery? I assume only netbooks.
I think we are both blinded by our own opinions - I see this as a new device doing something different that will be very useful to me. I see it as a laptop replacement in some circumstances but not a replacement for my primary computing.
Ok one slight misunderstanding, I'm not comparing it to a laptop. What i meant was that it doesn't do anything that I would make me get it instead of a laptop and an iphone. I expressed my previous very poorly, sorry.

(I was trying to be brief due to coming in late)
As for ebook, meh! tried it on iphone, tried it on ipaq, I can do it on a laptop, but i prefer the printed word. just me....
Weight wise - Sony X series is about 800 or 900 grams (edit: 740 grams according to harris tech catalog), pretty much comparable to an ipad, but without the magic button. Sony Z is 1.4 kg, but is so much more. For me ipad can't do anything extra, than a Z and iphone.
Finally, to go back to my comment to
Samh about not be a fanboi. I don't feel blinded by my opinion, I select the best solution for my needs. I have 5 desktop and laptop computers of various ages, that started as windows machines. I have a Mini and an iphone and soon a MBP. My main computer is windows, the kids netbook is windows (but would be linux if I didn't pay for windows with it), the mini is tiger, the iphone well obvious and my NAS is linux. Horses for courses and the ipad ain't the horse for me.
I'll also soon have a snow leopard. And doesn't SWMBO love that. /aside she saw the snow leopard pack on display in the shop and got rather excited - "look snow leopard, the kids will love that". Imagine my surprise " what the kids will love the operating system". "Ohh i thought it was pictures of snow leopards"

Don't tell her I told you that, please.