"For a QF Gold or Platinum member who purchases a ticket with us that wouldn't normally attract the use of The Lounge we will allow them to use our Melbourne Lounge for a trial period from Thursday 26 May until 22 July inclusive" Martin Daley, Virgin Australia’s Group Executive for Product & Guest Services, told Australian Business Traveller.
Daley said the same deal would also extend to making "the Sydney Premium Lounge Entry available to any QF Gold or Platinum member who buys a ticket with us for the same time period."
Even Qantas gold and platinums who are travelling with The Red Roo out of Melbourne will still be welcome to check out the lounge on a private escorted tour, Daley said.
"I've asked our Melbourne Lounge team to allow any QF Gold or Platinum member who is travelling with Qantas and who wishes to see our Lounge, to be given that opportunity and we will escort them around. It wouldn't be possible for them to sit and use the facilities instead of using Qantas', but it's a chance for them to see our facilities and for us to showcase the lounge."