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  1. QantasGonza

    Not Aiming for Lifetime Gold

    Yes, of course we all have different goals, some of which are somewhat higher and more noble than others. Our Olympians strutting their stuff right now in Paris is one example of going for gold that will indeed be a LTG! Sadly FF schemes don't really rate - but whatever floats your boat I guess...
  2. QantasGonza

    Not Aiming for Lifetime Gold

    Don't allow yourselves to become a prisoner to all these contrived schemes. Sadly, reading the various strings here it appears that many already are :(
  3. QantasGonza

    Not Aiming for Lifetime Gold

    Well, my thoughts on "can't afford to chop and change" is you can't afford not to when other airlines are offering much better deals. As mentioned I got to gold with Etihad quite easily at one time that not only enabled me to fly home from Abu Dhabi in Business class but also allowed me to bring...
  4. QantasGonza

    Not Aiming for Lifetime Gold

    Well, what a load of chestbeating! Congrats anyway if that's what floats your boat. I've been a QFF member since inception and not remotely close to life time gold, though did make silver for a time [I hate all this use of abbreviation & codes] yet I've rarely paid for flights for nearly 30...
  5. QantasGonza

    Article: Should Qantas Sell Status Credits?

    If there's any opportunity for Qantas to gorge frequent flyers they will take it. Devalue? They've been doing that for years!