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  1. D

    Op-ed: Airlines Must Take the Seatbelt Sign More Seriously

    And when it gets used for crowd control during meal times that also extends the unnecessary amount of "on" time.
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    Is it time for the ACCC to lose its power to veto international JVs?

    Isn't the primary purpose of JVs for QF so that it can put its flight numbers on other carrier's planes, thus avoiding growing it's business, employing Australians or doing anything for the national interest. Where it does retain a route it has reduced competition for a more limited resource and...
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    Qantas Business Class meals & menus

    Aside from the question of time of day, the 3 "options" - soup, salad, pizza, would together make an adequate meal. If you're after a snack one would be fine, but these are certainly not "meals" in isolation.
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    What cheeses me off

    Possibly by design. As drivers often don't let buses pull out (which appears to be a road rule in Victoria), if they block the lane they don't get impeded from pulling out without an extended wait so can continue on their way with minimal delay.
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    Qantas Business Class meals & menus

    Price. It's dirt cheap at the moment, or more charitably it is an in season fresh vegetables, locally grown etc. etc.
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    ACCC action re cancelled Qantas flights

    Mel-syd using the QF app or iView as there was something I'd been watching. When iview failed I tried QF, no better, no internet as it turned out. With no airline entertainment I simply expect the sales pitch to deliver what it claims. I don't think that's too much to ask.
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    ACCC action re cancelled Qantas flights

    My experience for domestic wifi is slow or non functional, which when it is the sole entertainment proposition is a fail in my book.
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    ACCC action re cancelled Qantas flights

    Exactly, so 83.3% didn't fly Qantas. My point was simply that the And 83% chose a brand other than QANTAS. Just saying, never really been "everyone" behind them.
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    ACCC action re cancelled Qantas flights

    Really? Only a small minority of Australians fly QFi, and realistically the duopoly domestically gives people little actual choice.
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    ACCC action re cancelled Qantas flights

    Why? They are over priced, under deliver, and have a reputation they need to change. They just admitted to various counts of wrong doing wrt their customers and service delivery. They need to earn any support they may hope for.
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    ACCC action re cancelled Qantas flights

    Perhaps not, but doesn't this acknowledgement by QANTAS and the the position of the ACCC already undermine the whole Bundle of Rights proposition. Both parties seem to agree that the commitment was for a particular flight, not just to get you from A to B at about the right time, or there would...
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    How to go to UK pre Olympics?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything in terms of OW options that might do late releases (for example). The points are there to be used hence the question, but I'm inclined to think it isn't an earning avenue to continue pursuing hence the looking for...
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    How to go to UK pre Olympics?

    Yes. QF forum cos QF points. Starting from MEL.
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    How to go to UK pre Olympics?

    Question for the brains trust... LTG (if it matters). I've got enough QF points for a CR to UK in J, but will pay cash. Not worried about earning QF points if a non OW option is "better". Happy to travel on near zero notice for about a week duration before end of July. What would be your...
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    Article: Is Airline Status Worthwhile If Flying Business Class?

    Exactly. Life's much more fulfilling when not beholden to the flying circus.
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    Qantas Salt & Pepper Squid thread

    Deep fried elastic bands, I don't understand the attraction.
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    Compensation for a bad nights sleep

    I can't remember the chain now (Accor maybe?) but I had this issue in Auckland a number of times. After a "why didn't you tell us" moment at checkout one time, I subsequently had the stupidly thick Doona replaced with a thinner blanket automatically whenever I've stayed there subsequently.
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    Qantas Business Class meals & menus

    I don't it is as bad as the dried out signature chicken schnitzel sandwich that masquerades as a main option.
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    Qantas rolls out Classic Plus Flight Rewards

    I'm a bit over all these complaints about a lack of predictability. So what? It actually randomises who might see them which will broaden the accessibility of CRs to a wider audience - probably something QF wants as it allows the message to get out that "well we found CR seats". By reducing the...
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    Unable to select Stansted

    There's a national express bus direct from LHR to STN... they say up to 12x day.