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  1. Quickstatus

    General Medical issues thread

    And stenting for that matter, though so think the risk would be lower (but not zero) for standard stenting
  2. Quickstatus

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    it was a comment about relative performance and also a philosophical opinion of what super should be and the related/resulting overarching mandate for fund managers.
  3. Quickstatus

    General Medical issues thread

    worst is a dissection (split in the coronary wall causing a collapse and blockage). The bits of drilled material is very small
  4. Quickstatus

    General Medical issues thread

    The Sestamibi heart scan and other investigations is only to determine medical suitability for surgery and anaesthetic. Surgery only puts a new knee joint in, but the outcome of a TKR is not that a new joint is put in. It is what happens to the knee function after a new knee joint is put in...
  5. Quickstatus

    General Medical issues thread

    Not mainstream yet and as I i understand, it is a niche offering. only some patients are suitable - if you can find a cardiologist that offers it.
  6. Quickstatus

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Refers to the some or more of the parts of that paragraph starting from "Super needs to be...".
  7. Quickstatus

    General Medical issues thread

    Rotational coronary arthrectomy becoming more mainstream for complex coronary disease that can't be fixed with a stent Arthrectomy now is the main method rather than stent in leg arterial blockages
  8. Quickstatus

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Please don't tell @JessicaTam about the grammar. As super returns are always in the past the grammar should have be "consistently outperformed the retails".
  9. Quickstatus

    General Medical issues thread

    BMI 40+ Has he had a pre- anaesthetic workup? to check all the intercurrent medical issues which may include heart, BP, diabetes, sleep apnoea? Needs a Sestamibi heart scan at a minimum.
  10. Quickstatus

    Overseas Medical Reciprocity

    It has always been that RHCA only cover emergency care - this may include exacerbation of a preexisting condition which can be a grey area as to eligibility.
  11. Quickstatus

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Yes and minimum drawdown does not hit 7% until 80yrs and 9% until age 85yrs. Assuming that minimum drawdown meets all expenses and reasonable returns less inflation, the capital is typically not touched until the retiree is >80yrs. Actual investment returns are obviously unpredictable and might...
  12. Quickstatus

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Many years ago i dumped the "retail" superfund for an "industry" superfund: "All profits go to members" Have not looked back.... Super needs to be a safe not speculative investment therefore my super is in the hands of people that look after the super of the "little people" - the cleaners, bus...
  13. Quickstatus

    Sydney domestic international transfer

    Get the TBus (the airport terminal transfer bus) or the train. You still have to immigration/passport/quarantine+customs In your case the SYD-MEL flights are numerous. if you miss it QF will transfer you to a later one without questions.
  14. Quickstatus

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Correct. The screenshot above uses "assessable income" rather than taxable income. While Super pension phase income is non taxable, the same income is assessed differently in the context of the Aged Pension
  15. Quickstatus

    Sydney domestic international transfer

    80 min is doable but tight What time is the SYD-AKL flight? if the AKL flight is the last one for the day, and the ADL flight is delayed getting into SYD, daughter may have to overnight in sydney - but QF should help with accom. The airside bus is usually the recommendation It runs every 15min...
  16. Quickstatus

    Overseas Medical Reciprocity

    Whether or not you have an AU passport is moot IMO if place of residence is not in Australia. Full Medicare benefits available for people who are resident in Australia and are living in Australia at time of the Medicare claim + australian citizen/permanent resident/NZ citizen. Limited...
  17. Quickstatus

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    You might even qualify for the part aged pension Speak to Centrelink for the income and asset test in context of a couple.
  18. Quickstatus

    General Medical issues thread

    Loperamide is OTC S2 medicine in same schedule category as Panadol
  19. Quickstatus

    Chinese New Year and train vs plane

    For 2025 The Lunar new year holidays are 8 days of 28Jan -04Feb The "Chunyun" or the Great Spring Migration - approx 400-500 million people will move in China back to hometowns - and is typically 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after the above period. But the worst days are the 2-4 days prior and...
  20. Quickstatus

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    The other bit about non concessional contributions including recontribution strategies is that if the total super balance is more than the Transfer balance cap in any one year, the non concessional contribution cap will be Zero. So unless the TSB falls below the transfer balance cap, the...