Search results

  1. P

    QFF Platinum requesting release of extra Classic Reward seats?

    Re: QFF Platinum and request release of extra Classic award seats 192,000 points.
  2. P

    QFF Platinum requesting release of extra Classic Reward seats?

    Re: QFF Platinum and request release of extra Classic award seats Yep, you can do the J, then F. I have a one way booking from JFK to Lax (J) then Lax to Syd (f) for later in July that is confirmed.
  3. P

    CA-174 QF First Lounge

    I was in the QF First Lounge tonight (24-4-12) and noticed that CA174 (China Air SYD-Beijing) was on the departure board. Usually this board only shows elligable flights for departures where people can access this lounge. Is there a codeshare? or can oneworld emeralds access the first louge for...
  4. P

    Qantas order of precedence

    There is a badge for CIP? ...whats it look like? or is it just the letters CIP?
  5. P

    Qantas New Check In Seating Allocation

    Since the new system was introduced, how is everyones experience with op-upgrades. My parter is WP, and he is getting upgrades to business on domestic flights on a more regular basis with no request/point required. At the point of scanning the boarding pass he is getting rejected, and issued...
  6. P

    Qantas A380 report

    thanks - how about the webmail and chat? anyone used it? Looking at the onair website they say its compatible with gmail/hotmail and yahoo. I will be giving (the apple webmail) a go.
  7. P

    Qantas A380 report

    hi All, I have not been able to find any reports on various experiences using the internet/email on the A380. I am flying J class in March to London so keen to find out cost and what you can actually access. Otherwise, if anyone wants me to try different websites or inflight test/pings and...
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    (Rumour) Upcoming Domestic Qantas Club Closures

    my BF just texted me from Sydney Domestic terminal. He is in the plat/business class lounge this morning. His initial thoughts are: Larger than he thought, not too crowded (even for a 6.30am Monday) Not a big enough food area. I wonder if the melb one is open at the other end?
  9. P

    Famous people seen (or even met) whilst flying or lounging

    so true - and thats even without mentioning that we now have matching Pj's courtesy of Qantas and how i contemplated taking a pic of "us sleeping together" since he had his mask on! oh well. I was good - and left him alone!
  10. P

    Famous people seen (or even met) whilst flying or lounging

    I was flying New York - Sydney in first. Was a little (read a lot) over 0.05 by the time I reached LAX. Once in the F lounge I saw Ryan Reynolds (two guys a girl and a pizza place, blade 3). Given the amount of alcohol I had consumed I decided to get him to sign the last page of my passport -...
  11. P

    Upgrade Broome to Melbourne

    Hi All, I am flying Broome-Sydney (via Melb) on 7Jan. I have been able to secure an upgrade from Melb Syd (on QF464) but i can not get one Broome-Melb (QF1051). I am travling alone, and i am only a Bronze FF. Anyone like to rate my chances trying to upgrade each day till 7Jan? Would it help if i...
  12. P

    [Offer Closed]: Citibank Gold NO ANNUAL FEE FOR LIFE

    Hi All, I applied on Sunday online, on Tuesday (i think, could have been monday) my HR dept called for my authorisation to hand out my salary and details etc... I have recieved the card in the mail today - 25,000 credit limit - which i think is mad given i have never banked with them - oh...
  13. P

    Double points are back!!

    Coles gift cards - 5% off HI NM, who is API? i have never heard of getting coles gift cards at 5% off!
  14. P

    AMEX Launches Platinum Credit Card

    has any plat charge card holder recieved an invitation for this card yet? i called up as a plat charge card holder and they said they posted invites out to charge card holders as a special invite at the end of Aug. But i have not recieved mine yet.
  15. P


    I have recently used the service. In total for 2 return business tickets to London, on Maylasian air it was $11,000, with a stop over in KAL. Now that they have updated the insurance to $5million, the insurance can justitify the $900 fee, depending on how often you travel, and your other card...
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    AMEX brings back 2 points per dollar

    AMEX has bought back the 2points per dollar at servo's and supermarkets amongst other places. Check it out here
  17. P

    How do you get AMEX Platinum???

    HI All, a few people on her have been asking about the Amex platinum buy one got one free offer for traveling business Class. I just phoned the Amex Platinum and asked about prices for tickets, just to see if they are selling the most expensive business class tickets. While the lovely lady...
  18. P

    National Gold ANT™ American Express Card

    I think most of the banks would love to move everyone over to AMEX. Since the RBA changed the fee structure on Visa/MCard, they now earn less of a kickback when the card is used. Hence the reduction of value of the points now. AMEX was not included in the RBA change, and banks can now earn more...
  19. P

    Amex to launch Centurion card

    New card on website Just been to, and on some pages you can see the new card. But no details yet, just error messages when i go to that page. I think they must be updating now...