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  1. Happy Trails

    US election 2020

    Seems it's now a Harris-Biden ticket:
  2. Happy Trails

    US election 2020

    And he'd only been president for 11 days at the time he was nominated.
  3. Happy Trails

    Queensland State Election 2020

    Palaszczuk made her bullying claim shortly after 10:20. Morrison called Hadley some minutes after 10:45. (But, in fairness, that probably qualifies as 'early' for a Guardian journalist.)...
  4. Happy Trails

    Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

    Here's a link to the transcript of the August 5th press conference regarding the Vic curfew. Easier to search than the video. True enough that Andrews did not specifically say that the curfew was due to "medical" advice, but several times stated it was "the advice of our experts", e.g. Daniel...
  5. Happy Trails

    Buy Miles - 200% Bonus

    Take advantage of a mega bonus of up to 200% for every LM 1,000 you buy. Even though we do not intent to change our award rates, for the members who purchase this promotion we will honor these award tables until at least January 2021. Promotion valid from September 8th through September 25th, 2020.
  6. Happy Trails

    US election 2020

    Trump did call McCain a loser, the video's not hard to find, but it was in reference to his losing the 2008 election, not his military service. In the same clip though, he was subsequently very disparaging about his being a POW.
  7. Happy Trails

    Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

    Not just Rhodesians, it was common currency in the UK too, at the time.
  8. Happy Trails

    US election 2020

    Debates have been announced: US President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden will go head-to-head in three debates prior to the US election. There is also one debate scheduled for their vice-presidential candidates, Mike Pence...
  9. Happy Trails

    Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

    This is purported to be the offending post: The time and location details have been cropped as I wouldn't want to be arrested for incitement.
  10. Happy Trails

    US election 2020

    You don't need to be a Trump-hater to get a chuckle out of this:
  11. Happy Trails

    Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

    One of the protagonists states "tomorrow marks four weeks since we got involved in this project". There was also a reference to supplying dates for those observing Ramadan, which places it after April 23rd.
  12. Happy Trails

    US election 2020

    According to Prince Andrew, Trump did very well in that interview.
  13. Happy Trails

    Grammar Discussions

    Monty Python fans might recall that Dinsdale Piranha was born two weeks after his twin brother Doug and again a week after that.
  14. Happy Trails

    What’s happened to “who”?

    Hmmm, "literary illusion"? I'm not seeing an intended pun there.
  15. Happy Trails

    What’s happened to “who”?

    Proofreaders. (HVR got it right in post #2) :)
  16. Happy Trails

    Qantas Platinum One experiences?

    Half a bottle of Champagne at Christmas?:)
  17. Happy Trails

    Could it be adios Neil Perry?

    Adios Neil Perry? Pie denial (sorry).
  18. Happy Trails

    Grammar Discussions

    Unless the Four Tops are singing it.
  19. Happy Trails

    Pakistani airliner crashes in Karachi

  20. Happy Trails

    Sometimes you've got to feel for Qantas....

    There's another letter further down whingeing about DFAT. Though what they have to do with quarantine arrangements in China is beyond me. PASS THE PARCEL The stories I hear about DFAT reflect my own situation. With the lack of uncertainty in China surrounding COVID-19, I was told my...