I think this is a good benchmark to measure against. I can't think of any other that charges their own program members!
Surely this is the straw that breaks the camel's back for many WP/SGs. Aside from a nicer lounge, whats the real benefit of WG over SG/LTG?
Video from Starboard side post-evac.
Unless they add another tier in between WP and SG, I don't envisage a scenario where fundamentals like lounge access would be removed.
LTG may turn into a blessing in disguise, especially if they switch to a revenue based model.
A few hours prior, the ship (OQL) arrived inbound from DWC (Israel rescue charter) before crossing the dutch. They also used a RAAF callsign for LHR-DWC-SYD.
I do SYD-CBR-SYD every 2 weeks and I'm running at about 70% VIP upgrades on the return leg.
Not aligned to a government contract, just very lucky perhaps?
Plane started moving around 4.5 hours after initial landing back to the gate, with departures only just resumed on 16R/34L.
Do better AFP/SYD!
Should've happened in the first place! Plenty of space in SYD away from the gates that could be ring fenced for further investigation.
Hard sell when they had to block off so many seats on the QF8 A380 return due to load. As a Y pax, it was bliss!
Now, I'd prefer to go via LAX in Y on QF11, which says something!