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  1. Kendall Roy

    Qantas Increases Legroom Charges; Changes to Row 4 selection on most 737 flights

    With a head start for those with prior connecting legs on the same PNR!
  2. Kendall Roy

    Qantas Increases Legroom Charges; Changes to Row 4 selection on most 737 flights

    I think this is a good benchmark to measure against. I can't think of any other that charges their own program members! Surely this is the straw that breaks the camel's back for many WP/SGs. Aside from a nicer lounge, whats the real benefit of WG over SG/LTG?
  3. Kendall Roy

    Is P1 worth a couple of hundred SCs?

    Agree with this as well, but lots of travel and access to VIP can be a god send.
  4. Kendall Roy

    Is P1 worth a couple of hundred SCs?

    If you have a similar amount of travel planned for next membership year, it may be worth it if you can find some good deals.
  5. Kendall Roy

    First Qantas A220 revealed

    I can see Row 4 offered up to NB at a cost, but 5-9 blocked. Big middle finger to P1s who can be trumped by a NB with $$$ in Row 4.
  6. Kendall Roy

    Network Aviation (Qantas subsidiary) pilots strike

    Time to wheel out this old gem:
  7. Kendall Roy

    Japan Airlines plane in flames at Tokyo's Haneda airport Video from Starboard side post-evac.
  8. Kendall Roy

    P1 2023/24 Gifts

    I'd be happy with a decent gift voucher to QF Wine, thus making it player's choice!
  9. Kendall Roy

    Life Time Gold - The [Realistic] Holy Grail

    Unless they add another tier in between WP and SG, I don't envisage a scenario where fundamentals like lounge access would be removed. LTG may turn into a blessing in disguise, especially if they switch to a revenue based model.
  10. Kendall Roy

    QF6001 Syd - Akl A380

    A few hours prior, the ship (OQL) arrived inbound from DWC (Israel rescue charter) before crossing the dutch. They also used a RAAF callsign for LHR-DWC-SYD.
  11. Kendall Roy

    Should Qantas pay back Job Keeper ?

    The biggest Q is why didn't ScoMo take an equity stake in QAN in exchange for taxpayer support? Would've make a killing when cashing out!
  12. Kendall Roy

    Qantas Platinum One experiences?

    I do SYD-CBR-SYD every 2 weeks and I'm running at about 70% VIP upgrades on the return leg. Not aligned to a government contract, just very lucky perhaps?
  13. Kendall Roy

    Qantas upgrades SYD-JNB to A380 service

    Shame it wasn't QF7/8
  14. Kendall Roy

    Air India rebranding

    Lipstick on a pig.....
  15. Kendall Roy

    MH122 diverted back to SYD due to security incident

    Go out the window when your actions close 16R/34L at YSSY!
  16. Kendall Roy

    MH122 diverted back to SYD due to security incident

    Plane started moving around 4.5 hours after initial landing back to the gate, with departures only just resumed on 16R/34L. Do better AFP/SYD! 1692010417 Should've happened in the first place! Plenty of space in SYD away from the gates that could be ring fenced for further investigation.
  17. Kendall Roy

    B789 - worst ever Qantas economy long haul Seats

    If I was in J, I'd walk off in sympathy for Y pax :P
  18. Kendall Roy

    B789 - worst ever Qantas economy long haul Seats

    10 abreast 787? I'd walk off!
  19. Kendall Roy

    B789 - worst ever Qantas economy long haul Seats

    Hard sell when they had to block off so many seats on the QF8 A380 return due to load. As a Y pax, it was bliss! Now, I'd prefer to go via LAX in Y on QF11, which says something!
  20. Kendall Roy

    B789 - worst ever Qantas economy long haul Seats

    Or the width/frame of the person sitting next to you who spills over....