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  1. Cruiser Elite

    What cheeses me off

    Standard reply when its -8C outside - ‘Open window’ - yeah right
  2. Cruiser Elite

    What cheeses me off

    Yep been there 2 times on the same night - my first and last visit - 10 minutes away is Olive Tree in Sth Melb where steak is 10 times better and can BYO wine
  3. Cruiser Elite

    What cheeses me off

    WCMO …..…… excessive mark up of wines in restaurants: This is at our current ‘favourite / go to’ Le Bar in Beaumaris - love this place 👍 - hate the markup on wines 👎
  4. Cruiser Elite

    Wine lovers musings, amusings and news

    Oh sorry I missed Qld - but why not the other states? Be shame for them all to be on the one page wouldn’t it?
  5. Cruiser Elite

    Wine lovers musings, amusings and news

    Is there a plausible explanation as to why wine bottles are not included in any CDS in Australia?
  6. Cruiser Elite

    Nice wines I have drunk recently - Red or White

    How long in air fryer?
  7. Cruiser Elite

    Nice wines I have drunk recently - Red or White

    Crikey that other couple can drink! 👍
  8. Cruiser Elite

    Article: How Vodafone’s $5 Global Roaming Compares to Optus & Telstra

    I have been using Vodafone $5 a day o/s since its inception - priceless of you are in business 👍
  9. Cruiser Elite

    SQ Tips, Trips and Tales

    Was just a pleasure to be at OT with some decent company for a change - and no this post is not OT - we discussed SQ R, F and J at length 👍
  10. Cruiser Elite

    SQ Tips, Trips and Tales

    And didn’t that ‘little tart’ get amongst the vinegar last night; Whilst her fellow ‘classmates’ were held in captivity:
  11. Cruiser Elite

    Scams like these

  12. Cruiser Elite

    General EV Discussion
  13. Cruiser Elite

    General EV Discussion

    US EV 0-60mph Comparision
  14. Cruiser Elite

    What cheeses me off

    WCMO - people who brag about losing $1 to $2M on the punt over the journey then sook about paying 25c for a supermarket bag 👍 :cool:
  15. Cruiser Elite

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    OK but it will not work for AMEX, VISA CC or MC DC - when was last time anybody purchased these please?
  16. Cruiser Elite

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    You can? How? Link please? I even spoke to RACV this afternoon agent could not find them online either
  17. Cruiser Elite

    What cheeses me off

    Dunno - hit reply twice to 2 diff posts and that was what appeared - didn’t look too bad so went with it 👍
  18. Cruiser Elite

    What cheeses me off

  19. Cruiser Elite

    What cheeses me off

    Ya think?
  20. Cruiser Elite

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Yep that will do it 👍 tks