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  1. F

    traveling to USA with section 10 posesion

    So you're on a Section 10 Bond and you are considering committing the offence of 'make false instrument' do you really need someone else to tell you what you should do?
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    Current Qantas First Lounge Menu (SYD/MEL) and relevant topics

    I might be wrong, but does the winter menu start in June?
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    Current Qantas First Lounge Menu (SYD/MEL) and relevant topics

    Hey Red Roo how long before the Sydney Flounge Winter Menu is out?
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    RSA MEL F Lounge Qantas Official Response (Refused Drinks)

    I agree, if every Licenced premises in Australia, applied the same 'RSA rules' there would be no need for designated drivers, RBT, etc, it's not about the amount of alcohol consumption that on average, results in a particular blood alcohol level, it's about behaviour and being affected or not...
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    RSA MEL F Lounge Qantas Official Response (Refused Drinks)

    OT for sure. As there is no Federal Legislation with regard to listening devices, it cannot be inconsistent with State Legislation, ergo, state legislation applies.
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    RSA MEL F Lounge Qantas Official Response (Refused Drinks)

    Unless the legislation has changed, in the Mel Flounge, only one person party to the conversation needs to be aware that it is being recorded and in the Syd Flounge, without warrant, all persons party to the conversation are required to be aware that it is being recorded.
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    Qantas Perth Domestic business class check-in service failure

    State police have full State powers on 'federal property' within their State and most of the Federal Powers. State Laws apply except where they are inconsistent with the federal legislation.
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Thanks Kevrosmith, I have purchased that App and will monitor.
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Hi Everyone, I received a call from a very lovely lady from the Social Media Team and a follow up PM from Red Roo. I am pleased to report that this matter has been resolved in a very satisfactory manner. Thank you to all those involved from Qantas and to the posters on this forum who offered...
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Fantastic legseleven, make sure you introduce yourself, we'll be easy to spot.
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Okay, thank you for the heads up. I wonder what reason they gave your friends to justify their decision?
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Hi Mark3000, I've just had another look at the seat map and don't see any toilets close to the back of the J cabin???
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Hi Pushska, yes, I agree it is problematic, we have a collapsible wheelchair which we will stow as baggage. Recently my wife took her on a two week cruise by herself. It isn't the best holiday but imagine how you would feel if after they're gone and you hadn't given her the enjoyment that she...
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Thank you Medhead, I appreciate your help with the seatmap.
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Thank you Red Roo, I have PM'd you and appreciate your offer of assistance.
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Thanks Medhead, I appreciate your offer. the flights are QF3 11 Nov 2015 and QF4 Nov 2015. I apologise in advance if I don't get back to you following any results that you might give me as I am off to the dentist to, hopefully, fix a very painful tooth.
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Thanks Juddles, I specifically told them that I didn't mind sitting anywhere if they could only accommodate my mother in law and wife.
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    Row 4 is the closest to the front that I can select. It appears from the seatmap that she will have to negotiate the galley then 3 rows of seats before reaching the toilets. I know that it doesn't sound like too much of a disposition, but she will 'have to 'furniture walk' all the way hanging...
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    I think this is a fail? - (No) Assistance on-Board

    I have a return trip to HNL in J booked for SWMBO, her mother and myself next November. My mother in law will be 89 and has some mobility issues. I read on the Qantas site under the heading' Assistance On-Board' that Qantas' seating allocation system allocates appropriate seats to passengers...
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    Taking ownership of the middle seat on a QF 737-800

    Have you commenced any conversation prior to nudging their stuff over to their side, if not, how have you determined that they haven't purchased a comfort seat and therefore have every right to use all of the empty seat with their knees way out sideways into the empty seat space?