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  1. R

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Thanks, I'll go the Canobolas and report back once recieved. What's the discount code and is it only for new users? Cheers Edit: Found it - Code is DBDKJSKJ
  2. R

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Gents, I'm ready to order more wine. Have limited the choice to Reschke Bull Trader or Cabonolas Smith Cabernets 🤔. Leaning toward the Cabernets for something different
  3. R

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    2014 Reschke RSR - this was fantastic. Bold yet smooth. Thanks for the recommendations. I'm going to have to give the Bull Trader a go at some point.
  4. R

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Actually decent or are all the awards marketing fluff?
  5. R

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Thanks everyone for the extremely helpful info on the Reschke RSR. I grabbed a case of the 2014 last night before your replies and...If I had waiting I think I would have got something else. Can't cancel now as it's been shipped. Can companies actually sell wine that isn't the stated age...
  6. R

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Thanks olympicwiz. I grabbed a case and will report back when it gets here. I generally like full bodied SA reds also. I'm thinking about also getting the 2014 Reschke RSR on Vinomofo. Never had a Reschke before.
  7. R

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Is this any good? Cabernets 2013 – Black Market Deal #42024