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  1. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Nope. DEVO did a good version. Now back to the Fo deals.
  2. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Looking forward to your review. Through the years I have found the Haselgroves to be a consistent lot, not ones that hit it out of the ballpark but ones that deliver enough joy and 'satisfaction'. I might tell Mick and Keef to buy some since they penned that famous song.
  3. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    I will not be buying until June 30th next year.Boring, but needed. These forums tell you what to buy at the the guarantee from them. No surprise you'd marry a Fo rather than a Flo. Less costly, no legals, and you get more Fo later.
  4. beefarmer

    The Pinot Noir & Grenache Thread

    Had a Punt Road last week and liked it a lot. Sitting here down the road from Otago and Bannockburn with my son we just finished a Mud House 2020 for dinner and liked it. We had a Saint Clair 20 pinor as a cleanser before we cooked ourselves dinner. There's no tbone here in Countdown. Might need...
  5. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    You've missed out on a beauty. Normally with the fo I wouid have said six beauts but times are tough so keep it in the singular. NO matter, love the one you're with if you can't have the one you want. THANKYOU Crosby etcetera.
  6. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    We're they taking the piss? Or was there serious slackness involved?
  7. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Probably my favourite expression which I do use reasonably often is 'You Don't Get A Second Chance At A First Impression" and when you talk about a seventy five bucker, it had better be better than quaffable. It to me has to be a Bruce McAvaney. Speshial. The anxiety for me isn't worth the wine...
  8. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    It was OK, but by definition not very good and certainly not great.....Now on the OK scale, what wouldya give it when 3 is barely OK OK yet 9 is OK OK. I don't do mediocrity well OK as I'm binary. A wine is good or it ain't. Binary. Some are feminine and some are masculine. Binary. But what...
  9. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Ok... lets make it a sub$13 bucker and one you'd never want to buy again. Sub $15 then? We do inhabit different taste worlds but I think punters on this forum are no different in their appreciation of a bargain. But when the bargain turns into a waste of time we get a bit disgruntled. I have...
  10. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Just got delivered another case of the exquisite Quartage 2018 which ironically was one of my quartage imbibed on Wednesday. Very respectable all of them .
  11. beefarmer

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Penfolds Max's anything is too dear at $5. I picked up a Paxton organic Red Blend 2016 for a fiver two weeks ago and it was beautiful. Much better that two expensive Fo returns in the 1838 and WA Cab. Sometimes price paid and quality are not synonymous.
  12. beefarmer

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    This 2019 review does two things. Firstly it gives you immense confidence in the 6pack buy. Secondly I am sure it invokes and rekindles the excitement of a first date scenario from years gone by. This time however you are going out with the younger sister or brother and the memory still lingers...
  13. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Looks like my lounge room after a big soiree.
  14. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    It might come chilled !
  15. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Service like that i would appreciate at 11.59.59pm. Nice to have the first one out chilled a bit just on hump hour. Ironically my replacement purchase for the recent Doc Adams 2016year 1838 Shiraz could not be delivered by a mob that could well have been HDS and so via email they tell me they...
  16. beefarmer

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Crikey, I thought that was a 6pack price. Back to the classroom I go. Yes, at the Schoolhouse.
  17. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    The going going going is a beautiful marketing strategy invoking a sense of haste to a deal. Whatever it takes straight out of marketing 101 the bombers took to heart too much.
  18. beefarmer

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Just a quick shoutout that the folks at Noon loved your review WandD ! So much detail deserved congratulations from the horses mouth. I loved it immensely too.
  19. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Hmm very interesting. Had a 2018 roussanne yesterday that was getting a bit bitter now oddly from my purchases last year direct cellar door for about $8 a bot. The mailing list always has the 40 to 50 per cent off but once you jack up the retail, then 50% sounds good but it aint what i got a few...
  20. beefarmer

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    From Huey Lewis and the News comes a classic but Oh So relevant misohoney- Doctor Doctor give me the news I have a bad case of Doc Adams 1838. I ain't lovin' you though. This one was a six pack at $25 Vino bucks. Not cheap but certainly nasty. $150 for a sixer. Had one, emailed the broker...