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  1. flyingfan

    Qantas Platinum One experiences?

    During my delayed BKK-SYD flight (which ended up being delayed more than a day) I called the VIP line, having heard of miracles where they’ll book pax on other carriers, but it was not to be and I joined the same delayed flight as everyone else. It was not a case of the VIP team knowing more...
  2. flyingfan

    Qantas Platinum One experiences?

    I’ve had this a few times - very frustrating, makes you seriously question the cost of loyalty, and meanwhile it’s eating into your lounge time if not risking getting onto the flight. I don’t like pushing in front of regular pax but will be forced to do so when my connection is in jeopardy and...
  3. flyingfan

    Close call @ Changi

    Makes for an exciting / tense time. Status runs aren’t just sitting in the first couple of rows seeing the same FAs and eating multiple J meals in a day! Glad it worked out.
  4. flyingfan

    August 2023

    Yes - once you have your ticket you have guesting rights regardless of how it was paid for.
  5. flyingfan

    Solo Parent Travel

    No issue with exiting/entering Australia whatsoever unless there have been custody issues.
  6. flyingfan

    Qantas Delays/Cancellations

    That’s what my rebooking says now too
  7. flyingfan

    Qantas Delays/Cancellations

    I was on QF24 BKK-SYD tonight but it's been cancelled due to a sick pilot which they're trying to replace. We've been put into hotels. New ETD 'tomorrow morning.' EDIT: Got an email saying the issue is "a complex mechanical fault." Nothing mentioned about the pilot (which was what was announced...
  8. flyingfan

    Qantas Platinum One experiences?

    Yes that was my mistake, I’m changing my approach for victory. I’m looking forward to seeing what $5,400/night gets me.
  9. flyingfan

    Qantas Platinum One experiences?

    I entered the competition and even though it’s not LHR, I plan to win this time :)
  10. flyingfan

    The definitive thread on Qantas IT gripes

    Minor things but I was already in an F seat with J service on QF35 (where AFAIK F wasn't being sold), yet get the below email spruiking an upgrade for cash or points. And in the booking itself, two of the four tiles below are about upgrading. Again, am already booked in the highest cabins...
  11. flyingfan

    I'm in the QF Lounge thread

    Recommend posting here:
  12. flyingfan

    QF35 to A380 in July

    Must admit I'm not familiar with the specifics and differences of F/J bedding material, so unsure as to what version. VH-OQL today - at least there was no refrigeration fault!
  13. flyingfan

    QF35 to A380 in July

    Flew QF35, sold as J, had VIP line seat us in F cabin. I originally picked 1K but this was changed on check-in. On board I saw that 1K was unserviceable and unoccupied. Mattress toppers etc were supplied.
  14. flyingfan

    Is toothpaste a LAG?

    I’ve also lost a toothpaste tube that was over 100g That’s a bit of obscure trivia you’ve never shared with us about that incident!
  15. flyingfan

    Domestic Security Body Scanners - Bad for Women?

    I set this off repeatedly and had to go into a private room (in the public area wasn’t an option), and wait for that tiny room to be vacated by another poor passenger being similarly patted down, while standing without my shoes and not being allowed to touch my bags. Had to sign a form and was...
  16. flyingfan

    The Qantas Newbie Questions Thread

    While your points balance will influence your value to QF in subtle ways AFAIK it doesn’t make any difference to award availability; two people with the same status but (even vastly) different points balances should see exactly the same rewards availability. I haven’t seen significantly better...
  17. flyingfan

    Ask The Pilot

    I saw an article about a Houston-Amsterdam flight being diverted to Chicago due to a pax disturbance. The flight had to circle near ORD for what was presumably a while to burn fuel. Given there was no airworthiness issue and assuming no weather problems either, would it have made better sense...
  18. flyingfan

    QF35 to A380 in July

    I also posted on the P1 thread that I noticed this switch and looks like I’ve been moved from my J seat to F. With J service?
  19. flyingfan

    Qantas Platinum One experiences?

    Booked MEL-SIN in J late next month and it looks like the original A330 has been switched to an A380, and I’ve been moved into an F seat. Is that what’s happening, they’re not selling F, but moving status pax into F seats? With J service?
  20. flyingfan

    Virgin priority boarding fail

    BNE-MEL: one queue for premium and the other for general (second half of Y rows I think). I really preferred the old way.