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  1. T

    I'm in the VA Lounge thread

    OOL Lounge reasonably busy. 1st Flight cancelled next flight now delayed. Estimated departure time nearly 3 hours from original booking. Baked beans, scrambled eggs and pancakes. Wonder if we will still be here for dinner. Never mind the bar will be open in an hour or so.
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    Most comfortable decent looking travel clothes?

    Not correct - Qld "National Dress" includes blue singlet not T.
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    SQ Tips, Trips and Tales

    No such thing as a terrible Singapore F/ J seat - they're all good but some are better !
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    Ask The Pilot

    Thanks jb. It may have been weather related, although the weather was good for our approach there were a few isolated showers around and it was the day after a fairly bad storm - no unruly passengers that I was aware of.
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    Ask The Pilot

    No weather problems and the "prepare for landing " announcement came much later.
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    Ask The Pilot

    On a recent domestic flight the cabin staff insisted that the seats were to be upright and tray tables to be stored for landing. As we were still over 30 mins to our destination it made me wonder if there was a mandatory time for this or was it to better suit the crew ? I do, of course...
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    VA Cancellations, Delays growing?

    Interesting delay on VA 504 this morning, initially caused by early departure resulting in orbit Sydney, so I guess not rely a delay, but then two missed approaches causing "go rounds" with a successful landing on the third attempt. Not much info as to why apart from a comment over the PA re an...
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    AirlineRatings Article - "The real story behind the lynching of Qantas"

    Any mention in the book about the share deal by AJ and the investigation by the ACC ? Maybe saving it for the sequel.
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    Traffic infringement in Spain

    I received a notification of a fine for speeding in Germany from a Road Traffic Authority earlier this year, a month or so after hiring a car in Munich. The notice was very official looking complete with a "State Seal" and it was all in German. The fine was several hundred Euro and it mentioned...
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    VA Cancellations, Delays growing?

    Wasn't crew related - don't you think that some genius would have worked out that they save fuel by having no pax ? Could be the new thing - no pax, no food, no luggage, no check in staff and etc. And the added bonus - no points and status credits. The savings would by enormous.
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    Skiing in Europe A very white Xmas in the Dolomites coming up !
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    VA Cancellations, Delays growing?

    Good News for Qantas and VA - Perfect excuse!
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    Hypothetical: If you were to start an airline, what would you do?

    How about "Dreamtime Airlines". We won't bother buying or leasing any aircraft we'll just sell lots of tickets, cancel flights and run off to the Emerald Islands to live in luxury . .
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    VA Cancellations, Delays growing?

  15. T

    Have you ever flown a plane?

    Several years in GA as a charter pilot. Now I just buy a ticket and live in hope to the day an anxious cabin crew rushes through the aircraft crying out "can anyone fly a plane " I'm sure an old knock around 180/210 driver could handle an A380 !
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    AMEX Platinum Concierge Gone

    Another "Enhancement "
  17. T

    Is this the new norm? [Qantaslink Cabin crew won't ask passengers not to recline during meal service]

    Some have back problems and unless they recline it can cause agony. After my common L4 L5 repair with more titanium that the rest of my body is worth I have the need to recline - a little - on some occasions, but boy do I feel guilty and I restrict it to 1 click.
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    VA Cancellations, Delays growing?

    They may strive for 100% OTP but achieving 70 % is certainly nothing to be proud of. Cancel a flight SYD to BNE then cancel the return saves about $40,000 in fuel alone - goes a long way to cover staffing and reaccommodating costs.
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    VA Cancellations, Delays growing?

    You missed the point. I do not believe that the terms of their contract are fair and reasonable. Of course I have to agree to their terms I have no option - this doesn't make it right. It is obvious that our airlines are cancelling flights to suit themselves. I am not looking for a guarantee -...
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    VA Cancellations, Delays growing?

    Well, being old and tired (and becoming more grumpy as time goes on ) I have changed our domestic flights to the first departure of the day giving us a leeway of 4 flights to arrive in Sydney to make our International flight. Virgin assessed this change as a "voluntary " change and charged a...