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  1. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    I’ve set this up too. Easier than Tello (at roughly the same price) because it’s an app not an eSIM so I can use both local sim slots in my phone and still have the US number Interestingly GV also allowed me to add my Talkatone number (when it recognized and blocked every other virtual number...
  2. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    How about overseas travel expenses with a US Amex that has MR... No forex fee on purchase (unlike any Aus card with rewards), but yes, a forex loss when paying it off Do you still end up using an Aus international fee free card for everything in this scenario ?
  3. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    Thank you for your above posts (and everyone's follow ups !) - really helpful I suspect my best way forward is to get a fee free US Amex for myself and the wife
  4. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    Any chance you could break down the calcs for your return ? I’m in the process of doing the groundwork for my first GT, with the aim of getting Aus MR to US MR for Aeroplan… Was thinking of getting the Green and using it in Aus (and overseas when traveling) but if the losses after conversion...
  5. G

    Good J prices: EY MNL-Europe rtn

    Just did this - as my planned J flights for December got jacked up by $1k overnight (Google flights, so I don't think it was a website tracking thing...) Looking at Y direct or close to direct for SYD-KUL as I don't think the family will tolerate any more legs/stopovers How long do people...
  6. G

    Good J prices: EY MNL-Europe rtn

    Delay - seems like a reasonable buffer if I’m flying a major airline to KUL (Malaysian); If it gets cancelled out of Sydney at short notice, then no. But is that common for a full service carrier ? Hypothetically, let’s say I’ve left eg literally 24h buffer, the SYD-KUL flight is cancelled...
  7. G

    Good J prices: EY MNL-Europe rtn

    Ok so the earliest (direct) SYD-KUL flights arrive in KUL at ~6pm. Is a 10am flight to Europe the next day reasonably safe, or should I be looking at an evening KUL-Europe flight ?
  8. G

    AMEX Application Process Failures + Contact

    Thanks - this proved correct for me too. Got my wife referred at 275 :)
  9. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    I assume it wouldn’t be possible for a relative in the US to open a checking account on my behalf ?
  10. G

    AMEX Application Process Failures + Contact

    from my account page, it says the new member will receive 200k. Is that fixed (? based on my spend etc), or can that change if we keep clicking ??
  11. G

    AMEX Application Process Failures + Contact

    Is the 200k vs 275k SUB a random thing ? I'm trying to refer my wife, but my link only does 200k, whereas I can still see some 275k links active on here...
  12. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    Is this a common issue from people’s experiences here ? I was planning on just doing WISE, but if the address confirmation is a problem, perhaps I should get HSBC going… 1708834251 If my wife is an additional cardholder on my Au Platinum, will this stop her applying for a card in her own name ...
  13. G

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    That explains why they have not responded to my enquiry from a few days ago !
  14. G

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    The website is very opaque. Amex at 1.95% + GST, but their sparse help pages don't mention whether ATO payments through them will count as government spend or whether you get the full 2.25x points...
  15. G

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    Do you have a link for this ? When I search I just get a merchant platform for generating bills and taking payments ?
  16. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    So do you keep an AU Platinum for the 2.25x points, and something with low AF for the US ?
  17. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    Looks like it’s still there… not sure what that poster was referring to !
  18. G

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    Thanks for your worked examples - they have been helpful getting my head around the maths ! Quick query here though - when using Sniip etc to pay a bill via BPay, isn’t there no cc fee from the merchant ? So in your example of BCC, would it just be 1.29% with Sniip (Amex via BPay) and 2.25...
  19. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex
  20. G

    Strategy to obtain US Amex

    Is it true that Wise is no longer an option (with new accounts) for paying off a US Amex ? When starting without an ITIN, are the options now Revolut or HSBC Premiere ?