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  1. W

    iPhone app similar to MyFlights that supports other GDSes?

    Thanks for clarifying - and for the link, interesting. :-( Wonder what's wrong.
  2. W

    Citibank OTP auto opt in from April 21

    Interesting, on my phone (iPhone, Vodafone) it arrives as a regular SMS rather than a Flash SMS. For me, still hate it. The app is a PITA too, so I find myself requesting a SMS most of the time.
  3. W

    iPhone app similar to MyFlights that supports other GDSes?

    Hmm, bugger :-/ The release notes indicated a couple of US airlines' Sabre bookings couldn't be accessed unless booked through a TA - wonder if this practice is more widespread than the developer realised? Hopefully that's not it and it's just not working right at the moment though. Thanks for...
  4. W

    iPhone app similar to MyFlights that supports other GDSes?

    Hmm, I only have one upcoming itinerary with an airline that uses Sabre to test against - a US Airways award booking - and it's saying it can't find it. Am I wrong in thinking that US Airways use Sabre? Or is it not working right? Anyone got a VA booking they can test?
  5. W

    iPhone app similar to MyFlights that supports other GDSes?

    The update to MyFlights released overnight has added support for Sabre - yippee! Haven't tested it yet though.
  6. W

    Avianca "Lifemiles" - Questions and Discussion

    re: Avianca "Life Miles" - New FF program in *A This I did not know - how interesting. Is this "consistently"? Or only on some flights / routes? All subject to normal availability of course.
  7. W

    Suites savers now available

    +1000 on this. I'm the person who gets to make these decisions at my workplace - we don't block anything, and just do some monitoring in the background. "Trust but verify" - works well as a general motto in life, and doubly so in the workplace. While I've never actually "tested" the alternative...
  8. W

    Citi Select (post March 2013) - ? worth $700 annual fee

    As I detailed in another thread (maybe earlier in this one?), I don't want to continue warehousing but really have no choice - don't use many VA points, and I already have SQ at a level where I'd be worried about any more transferred across expiring before I can use them. I suspect I'll cop an...
  9. W

    US Dividend Miles - post your SUCCESSFUL award bookings here.

    I think you missed the smiley - tongue was firmly planted in cheek :-)
  10. W

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    Sorry, I meant specifically is it a real example that your business falls into one of the 0.33% interchange fee categories? You might have been answering that, but I'm not sure as I wasn't clear enough in my question.
  11. W

    US Dividend Miles - post your SUCCESSFUL award bookings here.

    Why would anything J be on anyone's "really want try to list", when F is just a few points more...? ;)
  12. W

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    Yes, really. Give me one logical reason why putting a card into credit before paying any sort of bill is abuse? Note that saying "because they you could just pay cash" isn't a correct answer - that may be a sensible reason not to do it, but there's a big gap between "illogical" and "abuse"...
  13. W

    Platinum Charge - No More Relationship Managers

    :-) I'll miss her. As a contrast there are plenty of stories of coughpy RMs around too - probably a case of can be good or bad depending upon who you get.
  14. W

    Discussion/Q&A on Best QF Status Run Options

    Re: Best Status Run Options - A quick overview! That's the normal price for that route with min points. Used to be a lot cheaper $$ wise too (with same min points).
  15. W

    Platinum Charge - No More Relationship Managers

    Fixes problems, answers questions, arranges stuff. Whatever you ask for, within reason. I'm not entirely sure if there's anything you can achieve via a RM that you can't achieve via the Platinum call centre, but at the very least having one specific person you can call or e-mail (more...
  16. W

    Platinum Charge - No More Relationship Managers

    No letter, but a call yesterday from my RM saying I won't have her anymore from 31 July. She said on the same call that it's now a blanket policy that only Cent cardholders get a RM. I'm not personally phased as I was never "meant" to have a RM in the first place - and somehow held on to her...
  17. W

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    Interesting question. Visa/Mastercard/Amex certainly could (as Amex demonstrated recently, in fact) by increasing their government merchant fees (or creating a special fee category for ATO I guess), but it may also be "difficult" for them - e.g. they may have long-term contracts with the...
  18. W

    Suites savers now available

    I can't comment on the comparative quality of the resturant / booze offerings as I didn't actually have a chance to eat at TPR (not to mention I'd just come off two consecutive R flights, so I was stuffed to overflowing already!), but to my mind the QF F Lounge wins in ambience / decor, and for...
  19. W

    Ask The Pilot

    Thanks for clarifying re the extent of the director's "artistic license" - that said, there are one or two shots where the pilot is applying a large roll input and you can also the airspeed indicator is "in the red", so perhaps he didn't entirely"make it up"? Or perhaps it is "real" footage of a...
  20. W

    Suites savers now available

    I'd concur with this too - definitely worth trying if you've never been there, even if it's not the world's best lounge. Plenty of other stuff to do in Changi to keep you entertained for a 5.5 hour transit, too.