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  1. K

    Qantas flight from Auckland to Sydney makes mayday call

    They are picking up 111 pax in nan. Seems primary to me.
  2. K

    Qantas flight from Auckland to Sydney makes mayday call

    Air NZ publicly said they were doing it ahead of departure. NZ media has lots of stories of pax stranded in nz, Australia, the south Pacific islands and elsewhere that are struggling to get to their destination due to full flights. There were something like 30,000-40,000 pax on the diverted and...
  3. K

    Qantas flight from Auckland to Sydney makes mayday call

    Nz are doing this with jfk flight stopping off in nan to pick up pax disrupted by the akl flooding. Sq upgauged a flight to a380. There are many thousands of pax still trying to get to their destination, and with flights generally full it is proving difficult to clear.
  4. K

    A Complete, Updated List of Fifth-Freedom Routes

    For a moment I thought you'd done most of the 5th freedom flights in the article!
  5. K

    AKL Airport January 2023 - Terminal Flooding, Flights diverted

    No. Latam left wlg for syd yesterday morning.
  6. K

    How much Does it Cost to Earn P1?

    Yes and this extends to mixed qf/other airline itineraries. Several years ago my LA flight was delayed by about 16 hours forcing misconnects on qf, and also missing a flight on separate ticket on nz. Qf rebooked me to my final destination on the next available flight after arriving in...
  7. K

    AKL Airport January 2023 - Terminal Flooding, Flights diverted Intl departures now closed to 5am tomorrow and intl arrivals until 7am tomorrow.
  8. K

    Qantas Delays/Cancellations AKL reopens for intl departures 5pm (24 hour closure) and intl arrivals tomorrow 4am (36 hour closure). Lots of diversions yesterday.
  9. K

    AKL Airport January 2023 - Terminal Flooding, Flights diverted

    Intl flights can depart from 5pm this afternoon, but arrivals only after 4am tomorrow. Thus today's intl departures will only be for a/c already at akl or are able to reposition without pax today.
  10. K

    AKL Airport January 2023 - Terminal Flooding, Flights diverted

    AKL airport reopening for domestic flights this afternoon but closed for intl flights until tomorrow morning.
  11. K

    AKL Airport January 2023 - Terminal Flooding, Flights diverted

    AKL closed until at least noon today. Intl diversions to wlg, chc, syd, bne, rar, nan, lax, dxb, yvr, hnl, may be others. Dom diversions to wlg, chc, dud, hlz, trg, npl, may be others. Even if akl reopens this afternoon this will take several days to get...
  12. K

    Qatar Airways Delays/Cancellations

    AKL airport is closed due to flooding. No idea when it will reopen (hopefully not too long).
  13. K

    AKL Airport January 2023 - Terminal Flooding, Flights diverted

    There was deep water outside that entered the building. Just runoff from the heavy rain. Numerous pictures and videos in nz media and social media.
  14. K

    AKL Airport January 2023 - Terminal Flooding, Flights diverted

    Yes will cause days of disruption. Dozens of international and international flights diverted and cancelled. Apparently the runway lights were repaired after about 4 hours. Flooding in the terminal looks bad but not yet known what disruption once the water recedes. The airport has had about 2...
  15. K

    Qantas flight from Auckland to Sydney makes mayday call

    From the article "And last Thursday, another Qantas Boeing 747 bound for Fiji turned back to Sydney after it experienced a potential mechanical issue."
  16. K

    Airports visited - can you complete the alphabet.

    Just Q missing. Only Q, J, U, V, X, Y, Z have less than 5 airports. Other letters generally have many more airports. Australia 19 letters. NZ 16 letters. USA 16 letters. I've listed a few for NZ, Australia, USA, and some interesting other ones. AKL, AYQ, ABQ, ADE + more BHE, BEU, BDL, BOG +...
  17. K

    'Bussed' international arrivals/departures at major Oz airports

    The morning bank of QF flights from SYD to NZ often has one at a remote stand. I think it is because they've towed an aircraft across from hangar or domestic. Cabin crew on a recent flight to SYD were complaining because the return flight they worked was at remote stand so much more difficult...
  18. K

    What's the rarest aircraft type that you've flown on?

    I missed out on the convair. When I flew to and from Chatham Island they used a metroliner. Of course flew that many times before with air nz too.
  19. K

    I'm in the QF Lounge thread

    The longest I have spent onboard before takeoff was 4 hours on a SQ flight. We had aborted takeoff due to a door indicator light. They were confident it could easily be fixed so we went to a remote stand. Free-flowing Krug and served the first meal on the ground. Even restocked the Krug before...
  20. K

    I'm in the QF Lounge thread

    Yes we got downgraded to QF82 in order to make the onward flight to WLG.