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  1. cgichard


    I hope SQ never do this. I do not have a tablet, nor do I want one. And my mobile phone is used only overseas for emergencies and wi-fi. When eating it's easier to watch the IFE than to read a book or a magazine, and I like being able to watch films as it's something I don't usually do.
  2. cgichard

    Where are you going in 2018?

    late June - early August: Georgia (inc. the Tao-Klarjeti region over the border in Turkey), cycling in France (Charente-Maritime and western Loire), Wales to visit my sister. mid-late October: Greece, mainly NW and the Mani
  3. cgichard

    Take 80 yr old Gran to Scotland!?

    I'm only 3 years younger but more mobile - no problem with steps, and I travel alone. I chose a while back to travel only with Singapore Air and via Singapore. I did one transit years ago through Dubai and decided never again: hated the airport, very crowded, nowhere to sit except on the floor...
  4. cgichard

    Complimentary travel insurance via Platinum credit card - Do I get a certificate to prove it?

    For my ANZ Premium Card I was able to obtain a "Letter of Eligibility" from QBE. I'm waiting until they switch insurers to Allianz to request one for my next trip in June.
  5. cgichard

    Visa for Turkey

    Good to know. Happy to lock myself out of the madhouse that is Parliament.
  6. cgichard

    Visa for Turkey

    Oh, thank you. That's easy then. I just wish there were some way to see the cost before embarking on the apply proess. Much of the info. elsewhere on line is evidently outdated.
  7. cgichard

    Visa for Turkey

    Does anyone have recent experience of obtaining a visa for Turkey? I have heard that the situation is in flux for US citizens at the moment so was wondering if it has become tricky for other nationalities too. Firstly, I have a 6hr transit in IST en route form SIN to TBS (Tblisi in Georgia). I...
  8. cgichard

    Help! Can’t get to sleep J & F

    See also this thread in the Your Questions forum: Headphones you can sleep in?
  9. cgichard

    The totally off-topic thread

    juddles, poor distance vision or "short sight" is called myopia. Astigmatism is when you see things slightly skew-wiff; Van Gogh's picture of the rush-seated chair is a good example. It frequently shifts over time. That is what an optometrist is testing when they swivel a lens around inside the...
  10. cgichard

    Bendigo Bank Qantas Platinum MC: 60K bonus / $149 AF / ends 15/06/18 (Updated)

    A quick look didn't reveal the minimum income requirement for this card, but although I do have BEN shares and am not that far from a branch, I don't think I'll bother because I expect that, like every other CC, the online application process will not be able to handle retirement income from...
  11. cgichard

    The totally off-topic thread

    Poor distance eyesight and astigmatism are different problems but may co-exist. It used to be the case that catarct surgery with an intra-ocular lens implant could cure only the former, but now the lens can be configured to correct some degree of astigmatism at the same time. I agree with The...
  12. cgichard

    The totally off-topic thread

    juddles, you describe both her and your situation so well. Do keep these jottings. I'm hoping it is helpeful for your to record them, and then (perhaps) be able to sleep as well as weep. One day you will be able to share them with your children and they will learn how fortunate they are - both...
  13. cgichard

    Identifying your luggage

    My dark grey Antler case had 2 misadventures. Once at LHR it was taken by someone who left their own identical bag on the carousel. Fortunately a helpful person was in attendance at the desk nearby, recognized the name on the left-behind item as that of a well-known journalist. Rang the number...
  14. cgichard

    The totally off-topic thread

    I don't drive but I have very happy memories of being a passenger in a turquoise Karmann Ghia convertible, driving through France and Spain to Portugal in the early 1970s.
  15. cgichard

    ANZ changes Platinum insurance from QBE to Allianz

    Just received notification with my statment that ANZ are changing from QBE to Allianz for their Premium Cards insurance provider w/e from 11 April 2018. Haven't yet checked the new PDS, but was wondering what AFF experience has been with claiming on Allianz. Is this change for the good or not...
  16. cgichard

    You know you're old when ....

    Not me. My son makes a living selling them, and record players such as I thought I would never see in my lifetime again.
  17. cgichard

    Can I collect a Lufthansa boarding pass at Changi?

    In the end I moved both my MEL-SIN and SIN-FRA flights ealier and booked into a hotel at FRA for that night, so no problems with the FRA-TLS flight the next morning. I was travelling with HLO. It was on the way back that I had problems. See my post at #5 on the Handling a missed flight...
  18. cgichard

    High end card for points vs being retired

    Yes, I advise anyone who is retired to hang on firmly to the cards they have. If your retirement income is from several sources and/or goes into different bank accounts, your application is very likely to be cnsidered too hard - they are used to dealing only with pay-slips.
  19. cgichard

    Athens and Iran (OZ, TK and QR business)

    I'm waiting eagerly to hear if you found the musice room on the floor above the large balcony on the other side of the square. Well worth the climb up the steep stes, as I recall, and we were fortunate to happen upon an instrumentalist and a singer giving an impromptu recital.
  20. cgichard

    Euro trip itinerary advice - first trip in 5 years !

    After Portugal, I'll probably be going to France so your reply pretty well decides me to take the sleeper train via Hendaye and then TGV to Bordeaux rather than flying. The only airlines that fly that route are easyjest and TAP Portugal, which both have many negative recent reviews, so train now...