Double survey completion today!
Project Lemonstar for 150 points on how you earn and spend Qantas Points - more on how to spend on experiences like sport memberships.
Project Broscuta for 200 points on cash use
Interesting disqualification - Project Tiare (unsure completion points) - but said 15 mins work for an Australian government agency, screening question includes if I can run 400m, lift 9kg, climb small stairs, and can i drive a car
QF127 to HKG was cancelled yesterday on 09/11/2024, which led to the cancellation of QF30 to Melbourne arriving on 0745 on 10/11/2024 - was meant to be QPC - A333
Just out of curiosity- which day are you flying and I feel it is not surprising as many HKers are leaving hkg now… sry to see you can’t upgrade but it is common on this route now in my personal opinion