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  1. Z

    Why have QFF points been awarded for a credit card I don't possess?

    Somebody entered the wrong ff number in their card details I would guess.
  2. Z

    "It's the system that's the problem": Air travel for people with disabilities

    I haven't listened (I don't have the patience for podcasts when I can read 10 times as fast), but I can state that we've always had almost perfect attention and service when travelling with a wheelchair passenger. Just about the only time I had a problem was when they almost didn't let us...
  3. Z

    The dogs of war

    Personally, regarding travel, after 3 years of forced containment in Australia (well 2, but effectively 3 for other reasons), I was terrified that this war would escalate and cause global conflict. That would scupper almost any future travel plans of mine, and restrict my experience...
  4. Z

    What was your first flight?

    My first flight was in 1970 or 71, from London to Munich (iirc - I remember seeing many police with machine guns at the airport, increased security because of some attack?) There were hardly any passengers, I remember that. No video or music entertainment at all, either. I remember that the...
  5. Z

    new addition to my travel kit

    Some do. The worst in my experience is government accounts. I recently lost the ability to log into the NDIS website because they had phone 2FA, and the only way to change was through mygov, which requires, guess what, phone 2FA! I was basically unable to pay for my wife's care when I was...
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    new addition to my travel kit

    Good idea, but doesn't help with 2FA. That's my main concern. Losing my phone could potentially lose me access to a number of vital services that use my phone number to send a code for authentication.
  7. Z

    new addition to my travel kit

    That sounds like a great idea. How do you go about requesting a replacement sim?
  8. Z

    When did it become "cool" to sit at the front of the bus?

    This is my response too. At 1.93, it's even more necessary for a comfortable flight. I also used to also have an inflatable camping cushion for any flights over a couple of hours in economy (on those few occasions I couldn't afford business these last 20 years). Without it, my nether regions...
  9. Z

    When did it become "cool" to sit at the front of the bus?

    I seem to recall that it was at the rear. I always thought that the idea was the air was refreshed from the front. That was probably completely wrong.
  10. Z

    Centrelink’s error, we pay?

    I In my experience, it's wise to lodge a 'non-lodgement advice' if you do not need to lodge (ignoring the potential tautology). If you don't believe you'll ever need to lodge one again, eg on retirement, you can indicate this instead.
  11. Z

    Bali. Flying (maybe) Jetstar Business Class MEL-DPS-MEL.

    Personally, I'd get paranoid if all that started being reported as soon as I'd booked!
  12. Z

    Designs and rollout of the new R-series passport (Australia)

    Given that the QE2 is actually a ship (as opposed to QE II), it would definitely have a bearing on the legitimacy of a passport... 😁
  13. Z

    Agoda Scam Warning

    I've had different issues with Agoda, to the point that I avoid them unless they are definitely the only option, even paying more for other agents.
  14. Z

    Article: Is Airline Status Worthwhile If Flying Business Class?

    I don't chase status either, since I always travel business for international flights anyway. I used to when it benefited me. At one time I flew Brunei Air with the entire family business class. Basically, buy three of us buying tickets to the UK each year, and keeping sliver status, between us...
  15. Z

    What are your hotel room habits or idiosyncrasies?

    Slight problem if the room number is 112 in Europe...
  16. Z

    Duty Free

    In my experience Dubai is cheaper. YMMV.
  17. Z

    What are your hotel room habits or idiosyncrasies?

    People lie on top of the cover often. The protection prevents floor dirt from getting on the sheets or doona.
  18. Z

    What are your hotel room habits or idiosyncrasies?

    Bed bugs appear to be a peculiarly American problem, at least for the moment. I've travelled extensively in Australia, Asia and Europe, and I've never come across bed bugs except in some pretty daggy hotels (and I use the word advisedly) in India while backpacking over 35 years ago.
  19. Z

    VA calling boarding in lounge when it hasn’t started yet

    They're pretty bad at this. Once at Brisbane domestic, I waited in the lounge for the flight boarding to be announced. It still wasn't listed at 10m to departure. I decided to go anyway, 5m walk. Halfway, an announcement was made for 'final boarding call' for the flight, and shown as such on...