Search results

  1. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    I can get it to work for Mix CC and Mix C but not any of the others..... Keen to know the identity of the straight red cases
  2. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    I’m no IT expert, but I imagine the limit is at the search level ie when it draws the information from BWS. Setting a specific store is just a filter of the available data. Still a cracking useful tool, but was curious if the issue was just for me or more widespread
  3. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Could it be that the code only looks for the first say 300 clearance wines? With so many differing discounts store by store there is often 10+ of the same wine showing up.
  4. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Anyone else find it only shows Clearance wines with commencing letters A up to G? Previously seemed to show the full list up to Yalumba etc but now stops around Gosset
  5. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Showing as unavailable at Crows Nest for me
  6. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    That’s a cracking price - appears to be $70 or $73 in Sydney (north shore)…. If anyone finds stock in Sydney pls share 😀 Also anyone know how to search for clearance wines online (via BWS app, desktop or mobile websites)?
  7. J

    Rockfords discussion

    I ordered six of the 17 and a little something extra from 2018 if you ask nicely 😀
  8. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Where can you view your cellardoor credits?
  9. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Cheers. Nothing of much interest for me this month, although the Clarendon Magnums were tempting
  10. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Is Carpe Diem on today?
  11. J

    $50 wine vouchers

    I have a $100 hotel voucher I’d be keen to swap for a wine voucher - PM me if interested
  12. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Birthday25 not working for me? Can see it’s been used several times over the years by others on this thread though
  13. J

    How do you store your wine [+ Fridge/Cabinet recommendations]

    Anyone know where to buy replacement wine fridge locks? Have a Transtherm Bastide, Liebherr and vintec that all need new cylinders (could get away with new keys for the vintec and Liebherr, the Transtherm lock cylinder is broken so needs replacing)
  14. J

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Has been a while since Vam contacted me direct - if anyone has a brokers email would appreciate you sharing via this thread or via DM 😀
  15. J

    Vinomofo Wine Deals

    Was available around midday, now sold out. Any ideas if available for a similar price elsewhere?
  16. J

    How do you store your wine [+ Fridge/Cabinet recommendations]

    I’ve built up a collection of fridges over the years from FB marketplace. They’re an odd bunch ranging from a 267 bottle Transtherm, a 250-odd bottle Eurocave, 130 bottle vintec, 150-odd bottle Liebherr and two smaller 45 bottle fridges. Seeking advice on how others organise/store their wines...
  17. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    I had issues with VC on my laptop/chrome but then success on iPad/chrome except couldn’t become a member to collect cellar shares (that froze on me)
  18. J

    Rockfords discussion

    Anyone been to the CD lately and can confirm if BP was still in stock? heading down to the Barossa this weekend and Rockford will be a Day 1 visit
  19. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Do you have a link by chance? Their website is a bit meh
  20. J

    Dan Murphy's and Other Wine Deals

    Yalumba Signature is particularly good value... $48.75 less 30% cane to $204 for 6 or $34 each less Wish less CR