Search results

  1. W

    Amex free flight upgrade?

    I did - my experience was the same as quick_dry's, in that the booking appeared in my Velocity account even after cancellation, but simply said "Booking not found" below it. I haven't - but as noted previously I do believe my operator tried her best to help me, plus with quick_dry reporting an...
  2. W

    Citi Select (post March 2013) - ? worth $700 annual fee

    Can you even do this? If so, how do you do it? Good suggestion, but two issues with it in my particular situation: 1) I try to fly QF JASAs domestically wherever practical (pretty much whenever I'm not travelling with (most) work colleagues, or friends - not going to fly J while they get...
  3. W

    Suites savers now available

    Me to - out of the collection of F and J PJs that I seem to be building up I like the SQ F ones the best, with CX F a close second. QF F or J are good for warmer months (thinner). The TG ones stay in the cupboard cause they just look ridiculous (baby blue).
  4. W

    Citi Select (post March 2013) - ? worth $700 annual fee

    A few days ago I transferred about >50% of my CitiRewards points out to VA and SQ, and want to transfer the rest - plus any newly accrued points on a monthly basis - but I don't know where to send them! If I transfer any more to SQ I risk them expiring - very hard to accurately predict what...
  5. W

    Discussion/Q&A on Best QF Status Run Options

    Re: Best Status Run Options - A quick overview! The criteria for inclusion in DSC offers has long been debated on AFF, but to the best of my knowledge no one has ever really come up with an answer that "fits". In my case, my first DSC (I've had two - 2011 and 2012) arrived when I'd flown...
  6. W

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    And a smart tax-payer would do just that - adjust their statement cycles so the statement period ends just before the big tax payment dates (and in this context the 29th seems an odd choice? Or do you always pay a day or two late?)? I've deliberately got half my cards setup with the statement...
  7. W

    What compensation have you received for a delayed or cancelled QF flight?

    Firstly, a little background: Back on 15 March I was scheduled to fly QF127 SYD-HKG in F (FASA :)). After a pleasant F lounge breakfast, our departure was delayed... then delayed again... then delayed again... etc... until the flight was eventually cancelled completely at around 5pm. As you'd...
  8. W

    Suites savers now available

    You're 100% correct that *A redemption bucket and KF redemption bucket are different when searching / booking, but I'd say it's possible this becomes irrelevant once you have a waitlisted booking made through KF? And hence also possible their system could treat *A Gold better than KF Blue for...
  9. W

    Credit Check - What Is Shown?

    Actually, you've just reminded me of something, which demonstrates that at least some lenders get the Veda credit score on the credit checks they run (TBH, I don't see why they wouldn't all get it, even if they ignore it): there is at least one credit union I know of who will auto-decline any...
  10. W

    Strategy to get "Early" JQ check-in for International

    re: Strategy to get "Early" JQ check-in for International Good thinking - thanks.
  11. W

    NBN Discussion

    Re: The Lounge Wi-Fi Speedtest Thread I can't understand why [you'd need to paying for re-wiring], given that AFAICS connecting the FTTH NTU's PSTN and ADSL emulation ports to your existing internal telephone wiring exactly replicates (inside the house) both the current phone network setup...
  12. W

    CB Rewards Platinum 2:1 VA, SQ KF / VA now [was 15K:10K]

    Forgot to ask: Did anyone with a CBG call and ask if any changes to the 1:1 transfer to QF?
  13. W

    CB Rewards Platinum 2:1 VA, SQ KF / VA now [was 15K:10K]

    While I'm lucky enough to not have an existing balance affected by this change (Select+CBG, but no points in the CBG at present), I'd be livid if I did. I also /suspect/ that this change is really pushing the boundary of both Fair Trading and Unfair Contract law (but am not a lawyer). I often...
  14. W

    L et M e G oogle T hat F or Y ou!

    Re: ATO (tax office) payments by credit card It's a service called "Let Me Google That For You" (, intended to poke fun at people who ask a question that could have been answered via a quick Google search :) You go to, enter the search term, and click "Google Search"...
  15. W

    Credit Check - What Is Shown?

    Do lenders (as opposed to brokers / agents) not get shown the credit score too? Seems strange if they don't. For the benefit of others, it's probably worth noting that the credit scoring system Veda operate in Australia is very different to the USA's FICO system. The latter is a fairly "open"...
  16. W

    L et M e G oogle T hat F or Y ou!

    Re: ATO (tax office) payments by credit card 110k or so with the 15% online discount, IIRC. If you want to be sure, though: Let me google that for you Far from it - availability on SQ is generally excellent. The limited availability of A380 services (and hence Suites) out of some Australian...
  17. W

    Suites savers now available

    Thanks for clarifying. I'm not sure if it's even possible - nor if it's advisable, even if possible - but I'd guess you'd need to ring them.
  18. W

    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    No, no, don't do that. SQ's program is terrible. Just terrible. With all these new people jumping on board the availability of R Savers is sure to dry up ;)
  19. W

    Strategy to get "Early" JQ check-in for International

    re: Strategy to get "Early" JQ check-in for International Thanks for the info. We will be HLO, so that will make it easier. That said, in this situation would you recommend approaching the check-in counters, or the service desk?
  20. W

    Max unread posts?

    Right, so it's the posts themselves which are auto-marked-as-read after 10 days. That explains it. Thanks for your help JohnK and sertfy.