A barista style coffee machine has been my best, in a ruck sack. How did security let that through? Wouldn't fit in the overhead and the guy thought he could just put his feet on it.
Emirates from Glasgow to Dubai 2 weeks ago run out of Veuve after take off with no other option for J. Pretty disappointing really as it certainly one of the better options from an airline.
A work colleague just came back from Bali and said Ubud was crazy. Roads were jammed and there was nothing relaxing about it. Sounds like a nice resort and short walks would be the way to go.
Most of the NC headphones sounds pretty average when connected to the inflight entertainment. I carry my own for my devices but still use theirs for their system and they are ok.
Had our house and cars trashed by a pet sitter and our dog nearly died. Did all our home work and checks beforehand, and spent ages recouping the cost so to traumatised to open this 😊.
coughpy old shuttle bus that runs every 20mins, the stop is right outside the terminal with the next time digitally displayed. Taxi will cost around $30.