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  1. andye

    General Medical issues thread

    Its been knocking around for about 20 years but yes uncommon probably as need high technical skill level. Stroke risk shouldn't be higher than other interventions unless the lesion is at origin of coronary artery. Main complication issues are dissection or perforation of coronary artery Here is...
  2. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Combination of maximum concessional and non-concessional can mount up. Seem to remember there was a time when you could put $1m in as a lump sum too On top of that compound interest. If you are reasonably agressive in investment (easier when have a large balance) not weird to get 8.5% in...
  3. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    That's a tight plan if there is a stock crash in first few years of retirement. It would probably work but risky and you would need to be able to live on less if markets went bad
  4. andye

    Woolworths gift card thread

    it loiks like the restocking after industrial action has created an opportunity. Ww neutral bay grosvenor street has more cards than you can shake a stick at
  5. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    I still stand by planning ahead and salary sacrificing in the 2-3 years before. More tax-efficient to pay in when marginal is 30-37% than putting anything extra into super in a low-income year
  6. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    It depends how essential your drawdown is to your needs and what you view as conservative. If you have no growth assets, your wealth will be shrunk by inflation The key thing is having enough in safe assets so that you do not need to sell shares during a downturn. If you can manage on less than...
  7. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Agreed its likely to be the "wrong" thing (likely worst of the 3) to do but it is possible to do
  8. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    @JohnK To answer your real question and this is not tax advice (I'm a doctor not a financial professional) but my understanding is: You will receive the money from your employer net of tax 1. You can put it in as a concessional contribution (after informing your fund) up to the (grossed up...
  9. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Not the questions you are asking but my plan is not to cash out leave. The reason being is that you accumulate more leave while you are on leave and also if you get sick, you can take that leave instead. Employers may vary on what they allow however. Some employers even allow LSL to be taken...
  10. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    As I said, it would usually be unwise to withdraw but many people do daft things to avoid paying ATO. I was imagining people with low medium balances who are unwilling/unable to get sensible advice. I agree on the motivations for rhe proposed $3m changes. Whether one views it as abhorrent may...
  11. andye

    General Medical issues thread

    ....though my eyesight isnt good enough to critique the evidence
  12. andye

    General Medical issues thread

    Regular ejaculation is thought to be protective....
  13. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    If tax on growth happened I'm sure there would need to be some relief for those with low or medium balances. If you've planned a budget at retirement its not reasonable to take a chunk away A question as the article said something that I didn't think was true. My understanding was that even if...
  14. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    I think change inevitable too but the politics would be hard. As super matures, there will be lots of people with very high pension account balances which are paying zero tax on growth I would note that the money that has already been taxed at 15% is definitely your money. The growth in...
  15. andye

    New Amex statement credits

    I bought "Coles Group & Myer" cards (as mentioned by others above). Can use in Coles, liquorland, first choice, kmart, myer etc as well as Officeworks
  16. andye

    New Amex statement credits

    The officeworks offer is nice. Decent discount on easily fungible giftcard at a pricepoint that doesn't require a PIN, in a widespread store and available on all cards + supps
  17. andye

    Coles gift card offers

    I had a rejection of a $250 CGMC at Sydney Water last week
  18. andye

    Coles gift card offers

    Some sites have minimum spend and that could be problem
  19. andye

    Woolworths gift card thread

    You miss my point entirely (my valuation was 2c/point in lieu of cash saving, noting yours is 1.8c) but I guess your local stores must be much better stocked than mine. After the first morning, my hit rate for stores is less than 20%. Just a guess but I'd be lucky to find 4 cards in 2 hours...
  20. andye

    Woolworths gift card thread

    Not questioning the value. Its just the absolute amount. Lets say you struck gold and found a store with 2 of each. Its still only $18.20 cash (admittedly tax-free) or at a very generous valuation of QF points $36*. Even with multiple accounts, the time and fuel spent driving to other empty...