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  1. andye

    Woolworths gift card thread

    After the firsr morning, I dont go out of my way to get these from WW The absolute savings/extra points are relatively small in the scheme of things. (When Coles Gift MC $250 were going at 10% off you could make some case as it was $90/5 cards). Sure, I always check if I'm in WW or might pop...
  2. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    The strong feedback I've had is that anything involving points earn is a big no-no for super. I.e direct from bank account only
  3. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Non-concessional can also include money that goes into super but comes from your bank account even if taxable at 0%. Includes lump sums (commutations) from super, lottery wins etc
  4. andye

    more than 1 Australian Amex?

    I have, the same as @Cynicor and for the same reasons. Until 6 months ago, I had a Business Accelerator which I kept to redeem cashback offers across multiple cards. These had dried up recently and I cancelled it as not earning its keep (ironically the current Officeworks offer would have...
  5. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Respectfully disagree. You can be a self-funded retiree for 30+ years, enjoy the health services, security and infrastructure etc of the state for really very little tax. The money invested in super is taxed concessionally. The growth (which is a result of your investments not toil) is taxed...
  6. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    My understanding is that concessional contributions + growth is classified as non-taxable. Its only non-concessional contributions (i.e money that has already been taxed at marginal rates) that is classified as non-taxable
  7. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Its proportional unfortunately
  8. andye

    New Amex statement credits

    Havent visited in a while but pretty sure they have Coles Group & Myer I have it across all cards so this is one of the better ones we've had for a while Cant see how Amex could differentiate on an instore purchase
  9. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    I stand corrected. Its not called a cap (and will alter post).. The Total Super Balance does affect ability to make contributions however From ATO: If your total super balance is equal to or more than the general transfer balance cap ($1.7 million from 2021–22, $1.9 million from 2023–24) at...
  10. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    Total Super Balance Cap currently $3M Transfer Balance Cap currently $1.9M Say you had transferred in $1M when you opened pension account. Make lump sum withdrawal of 200k, you would still have $1.1M TBC space left. Need to make sure you don't exceed the TBC at any point as then you cant put...
  11. andye

    Superannuation Discussion + market volatility

    My understanding (its complicated so happy to be corrected) is that you would need to close down the current pension account and set up a new one. If you are under 65 and still working you can only do this if you reach a "condition of release" i.e end a current employment You can only do it if...
  12. andye

    Credit Card Offers Amex Explorer Offers & Discussion

    Ive had Edge for 12 years and Charge(+Reserve) for 10 and all 3 have been in Ascent Premium since opening Charge. Not sure if thats legacy or normal if others are different. TCs=travel credits. Not a standard acronym-sorry if confusing
  13. andye

    Will you still earn/retain Velocity status beyond 2025?

    Frequent flyer schemes have been astonishingly successful for airlines For most of this time they have not been tied directly to revenue. When they are, they effectively become discount schemes and remove gamification/arbitrage Its a pity as thats the bit I like though i appreciate the...
  14. andye

    Credit Card Offers Amex Explorer Offers & Discussion

    When you buy WW group giftcards online you get Edge earn. And the instore GC offers cant be bought with GCs. So yes it's a small gain but I spend enough to make it meaningful
  15. andye

    Credit Card Offers Amex Explorer Offers & Discussion

    I do. No signup bonus in this situation Points combine into same Ascent Premium account (so QF possible) TCs cant be combined
  16. andye

    Credit card options for retirees

    @burmans comment on corporate/industry funds being more favourably looked on than SMSFs is intriguing. Maybe some with big balances might win by rolling a proportion out of their smsf?
  17. andye

    Credit card options for retirees

    There is an assumption that CC companies are being daft. I suspect that they have run the numbers, decided that retirees are not profitable and use the income criterion as an excuse. Its not fair.....its business
  18. andye

    What cheeses me off

    Love Die Hard. Watched it Christmas Day with our boys when mrsandye was working in ED a couple of years back Mstr andye2 is still cross with me for teasing him about the dodgy sexual politics in Love Actually
  19. andye

    General Medical issues thread

    Yes it should. It wont necessarily tell you if angina is being caused by any particular artery
  20. andye

    Little things I like

    The very nice man in the St Ives watch shop that was open an hour after closing time and was able to change the dead battery in my car key