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  1. Antoallison

    The view from my "office"

    Seeing as there is no overseas travel for the immediate future, can I suggest you all visit WA for our mild winter when the state borders re-open. Fantastic autumn weather today, calls for a drive out to the Swan Valley for a little history, wine and lunch. Anyone else like exploring church...
  2. Antoallison

    Tried and true favourite recipes

    My local coffee shop posted this.. Piemaker for cooking cinnamon scrolls.
  3. Antoallison

    Briefly escaping the intra-state WA travel restrictions

    And you end up with something that looks like this...
  4. Antoallison

    Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

    Shame just saw this on ABC News Perth. Just when I was getting to really like those “ 0 “ new Covid cases in WA. No information yet on what type of role the man had at the hotel to have close contact for the transmission.
  5. Antoallison

    Do Tasmanian Woolworths customers really prefer the "Frequent $hopper Club"?

    I don’t live in Tasmania but I did try to use my Woolies card (an automatic action at the till now) when doing an initial grocery shop while on a holiday in self catering accomodation. I was surprised it was not accepted. So while it means that Aussie tourists miss out gaining points whilst...
  6. Antoallison

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Panic Buying?

    I have been at home so plain old soap and water has sufficed but I am trying to buy a large bottle of hand sanitiser for when they ease the restrictions and I can go out again. I found this sign from WW2 rationing and now I don’t feel so bad about the COVID grocery shortages. 😀
  7. Antoallison

    So... what car do you guys drive when not flying?

    Is anyone else car getting 3 weeks to the litre at the moment ?
  8. Antoallison

    General Medical issues thread

    Usually there would be a flag on the patients unique medical record that they always require an interpreter. Sounds like it may have been a glitch in the setting up of the Telehealth system. This incident highlights the problem that many older patients may not have a wifi enabled mobile. Glad...
  9. Antoallison

    General Coronavirus chit chat thread - non-travel specific

    Still waiting on mail delivery of my first ever Fruchocs order placed 2 weeks ago. I blame AFF, as I had never heard about them before reading the constant chatter here. LOL.
  10. Antoallison

    General Coronavirus chit chat thread - non-travel specific

    Fortunately Fauci has another life that I am sure he can resume if the stress of having to stand on the same podium as Trump and listen to some of his inane sayings does not get to him first. I watched this documentary “We Heard The Bells”. -See attachment -with a younger Dr Fauci giving some...
  11. Antoallison

    Ladies who shop !!

    Usually people with rosacea should avoid toners and scrubs and be careful of retinol or vitamin C serums. Just stick to simple skin care of cleanser and moisturiser. Best to use mineral makeup. Dr Davin Lim in Qld recommends Niacinamide for inflammation. Lasers treatments.
  12. Antoallison

    Ladies who shop !!

    Not yet @mrs.dr.ron - but I have bought: a dark brown powder - looks like eye shadow, a liquid looks like a mascara wand and now a spray can for the very front, I know there is a large area at the back crown, but that usually gets forgotten. Not winning the war on white !
  13. Antoallison

    Ladies who shop !!

    They are magnificent shoes - love the blue. When I was in London last August I was able to combine Art and a love of well crafted shoe design at The Wallace Collection. A few photos from that day.
  14. Antoallison

    Ladies who shop !!

    @Denali - I find all the Korean and Japanese masks very gentle... photo attached from today, with grey roots showing !! 😢 I told my hairdresser I might buy a packet of dye from the supermarket ..she said PLEASE DON’T.
  15. Antoallison

    Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

    Both my husband and I were booked in for the flu shot Friday 3rd April at our GP surgery in WA. I was called in first, told that there was no booking for my husband due to a mix up. All the staff looked worried and flustered. Apparently they ordered 1,000 vaccines - but only 500 were...
  16. Antoallison

    The view from my "office"

    View from my bedroom window through flyscreen, no noise at all in the cul de sac. Bees swarming around the white flowers of the Dombeya tree in bloom. Maybe people have taken off to their holiday homes or maybe like me they can’t be bothered getting up.
  17. Antoallison

    Germany plus a bit of France 2013

    Our own WA town of Dwellingup started a small pumpkin festival last Easter..cancelled due to COVID this year.
  18. Antoallison

    The view from my "office"

    I was very surprised as I had literally not been out my front door all week. It was very busy for a Wednesday (early) evening all along the coast road. Many car parks were full. With high temperatures predicted in the West for Good Friday, I think this could be our Bondi this Easter.
  19. Antoallison

    The view from my "office"

    Great work then @JohnM MAAC is in a fantastic position ..just wish the balcony was wider. 1950’s ....when West Coast Highway had been not much more than a sandy track and men wore suits to the beach 😀. Wonder what that house behind the flags is worth these days ?