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    Pay bill through Paypal by using Amex card, but still only receive 0.5 rewards points

    This was definitely Plat Edge via Payp in both cases?
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    Pay bill through Paypal by using Amex card, but still only receive 0.5 rewards points

    Please clarify what organisation the Postbillpay (via Paypal) payment was being made to. Separately, I can confirm that a health insurance payment (Medibank) using Postbillpay>Paypal only got 0.5 pts on the Edge, so Paypal is communicating the identity of insurers to Amex, as well as utilities...
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    Citi cards - major changes

    While that's a useful guide (thanks!), it doesn't actually answer my question - there's an inconclusive comment about Postbillpay from a reader, but nothing else.
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    Citi cards - major changes

    I couldn't find mention of this elsewhere using the search function: Do payments through Australia Post Postbillpay using any Citibank-issued card (including Coles, Virgin, or Qantas cards) get treated as payments to a government agency and therefore non-point-earning? (Asking because...
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    Citi cards - major changes

    Thanks for the useful feedback! :)
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    Citi cards - major changes

    Does anyone know if Citi is actually participating in Comprehensive Credit Reporting yet?
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    Pay bill through Paypal by using Amex card, but still only receive 0.5 rewards points

    IFF all transactions through Postbillpay>Paypal are *now* classified as government body... then yes, 0.5 on Edge, but the IFF is what needs to be clarified, as all(?) reports in this thread are about other cards.
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    Pay bill through Paypal by using Amex card, but still only receive 0.5 rewards points

    So is this confirmed for the Edge? My last Postbillpay transaction via Paypal was back on 28/2 and yielded full points (1ppd).
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    Gift Cards at Supermarkets

    Depending on how you did the first transaction, that might be the wrong conclusion. AFAIK, there's a limit of $500 in gift cards per transaction, certainly, unrelated to your Rewards card. Did you actually try scanning the Rewards card for the further purchases? (And just by the by, there's no...
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    Gift Cards at Supermarkets

    That's very valuable feedback. I think I might save myself the risk of this sort of hassle.
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    Gift Cards at Supermarkets

    I'm thinking of paying Medibank premiums using Amex>V1 cards (using the postbillpay option to break it into lots of $100). Has anyone done this? (Just worried that either postbillpay might get coughty about multiple payments to the same biller, or that Medibank might not like it.)
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    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    Good question, but you could argue it strongly. I made my last fiscal payment on 26 Feb. It was showing as a pending payment until Friday when the card portal went down. On the Flybuys site it appeared as processed, dated 3 March.
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    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    It's worth keeping in mind the false economy of prepayment IF the cost per point is a concern for you and you're using personal funds. Roughly speaking, if you have a mortgage at 4%pa with an offset acct, and you prepay your BAS three months in advance, that's a little over 1% you've added to...
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    Experiences with missed connection claims?

    Many years ago I (or my alter ego aspro) asked a similar question here to little response, but I think the scenario was less common then: Think about delays/disruptions affecting e.g. separately ticketed flights with "reasonable" transit time allowed (not the novice 2-hr transit between...
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    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    +1, and the Coles Rewards Mastercard is still working, I think. (Added: sorry, i overlooked that the question was about QF points; BOM is the way to go...)
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    MHupgrade - can now bid for upgrades before flight

    In my experience with MHupgrade, the second email is a standard exhortation, seeking to increase revenue before the upgrades are decided. If your bid is reasonable for the route, then there's not much more you can do than wait. Some people get the upgrade at the minimum bid level. The...
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    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    Update to my comment a few weeks back: This card is still earning points on ATO payments (May statement has arrived).
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    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    As far as I can tell, the Bank of Melbourne Amplify Platinum is still earning points on ATO payments. (My last statement with ATO payment and points was April. The wording in the T&Cs didn't change with the May update... so "government charges" are still officially ineligible. I'll try to post...
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    ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

    I know some people overpay the ATO by card and then request a refund (which goes to bank account). Has this ever caused any problems for people? (In my case the sums are under 3k.) I've done it once and it went very smoothly, but if one develops a habit of doing this, wouldn't the ATO get...
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    signing up again after a year

    Unfortunately, I needed to have concluded divesting myself of another card before safely reapplying, and as a result I missed out on the no-annual-fee promotion by two days, so I didn't sign up :( I'll have to wait for the next promotion. Sorry I can't be of more help!