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  1. TheRealTMA


    Wordle 1,049 4/6 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  2. TheRealTMA

    Do you leave a tip for hotel housekeeping?

    Because they stay in $25 rooms?
  3. TheRealTMA

    Denali Demo and Rebuild

    Excuse for new Arche red shoes!
  4. TheRealTMA

    Do you leave a tip for hotel housekeeping?

    Like tips at Roux Michelin restaurants in London, so it then just goes to the hotel and not workers.
  5. TheRealTMA

    Denali Demo and Rebuild

    How a a stainless steel floor?
  6. TheRealTMA

    General Medical issues thread

    yes you can! But the applicator makes it much easier. :)
  7. TheRealTMA

    General Medical issues thread

    FWIW: Mrs uses compression stockings and an applicator / fitter such as
  8. TheRealTMA


    Wordle 1,048 4/6 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟨🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  9. TheRealTMA


    Wordle 1,047 4/6 ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟩⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  10. TheRealTMA

    Made any travel mistakes lately?

    I’d suggest the other side of the planet!
  11. TheRealTMA


    Wordle 1,046 4/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  12. TheRealTMA

    Scams like these

    Sounds doggy to me. Personally wouldn’t touch them.
  13. TheRealTMA

    Woman is named as next president of JAL.

    Ah, one can always tell a influencer! :) AFL or cricketers would have been ok? :) :)
  14. TheRealTMA


    Wordle 1,045 5/6 ⬜🟨🟨🟨⬜ 🟨⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  15. TheRealTMA

    The view from my "office"

    Should have gone to the Arche shop when you were in Paris!
  16. TheRealTMA

    The view from my "office"

    Nice shoes! :)
  17. TheRealTMA

    AMEX Platinum Charge Benefits - Q&A

    Otherwise no one would read tha Australian.
  18. TheRealTMA

    The view from my "office"

  19. TheRealTMA

    General Medical issues thread

    As somneone who ALWAYS gets bronchitis or related lung issues when we travel, and which take 4-6 weeks to stop the cough, I'm been waiting for the new vax to become available.