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  1. S

    Changes to ANZ Platinum/Black Travel Insurance

    CBA credit card policy not simple at all Check your coverage 1715009162
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    Changes to CBA Travel Insurance Activation

    I don't think your interpretation of and/or is correct. You either activate (for travel anytime post Feb) before 7 Feb or you activate and depart before 7 Feb and your travel returns you to Aus post 7 Feb. Either way you are covered under the old rules.
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    Changes to CBA Travel Insurance Activation

    The real sting for me is not the $500 minimum spend. QF taxes on any FF redemption will swallow that whole. The excess increase really sucks and seriously devalues the "complementary cover". I had always figured that if insurance was going to cost $500 to buy with a $100 excess I was better...
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    Article: Why Airlines Love European Business Class

    Those SQ J seats are just appalling unless you are sub 1.6metres tall with size 8 or smaller feet 1701317424 Now you are definitely an optimist able to see the glass half full. For me eurobusiness is a glass with a drop of water in the bottom :)
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    Article: Why Airlines Love European Business Class

    I absolutely despise European "business" class. A junk product if ever there was one. Very tight on legroom (just like in Y) and with the exception of the guaranteed empty middle seat the service levels (recent 4.5 hour flight on LH) are pathetic to non existent. Even UA's Economy Plus...
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    QF 93 Mel/Lax A380

    I’m sorry and will definitely have a kind thought
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    QF 93 Mel/Lax A380

    And just like that VH-OQL is gone again and the 789 is back
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    QF 93 Mel/Lax A380

    Absolutely not with the outdated cabin Otherwise agree A380 superior plane diffrnt strokes for different folks
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    QF 93 Mel/Lax A380

    Absolutely not with the outdated cabin Otherwise agree A380 superior plane
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    QF 93 Mel/Lax A380

    Interesting response re capacity given that the route was being operated 7 days a week with a current fit 789. Unreasonable imho to swap that out for an inferior product
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    QF 93 Mel/Lax A380

    It’s not about guarantees It’s about a definite corporate decision to reintroduce a clapped out aircraft to the line on an indefinite basis with no reason
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    QF 93 Mel/Lax A380

    Got “lucky” when QF decided to sub out the 789 on three times weekly in favour of its clapped out A380 (the very last of its fleet yet to be refurbished.) The J seats are mechanical clunkers 2/2/2 configuration and very little privacy and antediluvian IFE Crew privately complaining about...
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    SQ's ops at MEL need a serious overhaul!

    Please don’t misunderstand Gregory’s are great and do their best to see you leave happy with a replacement bag. Airline policy for years was to see unrepairable luggage destroyed and they paid Gregory’s and the others to do the disposal. They now refuse to pay and hence Gregory’s insistence...
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    SQ's ops at MEL need a serious overhaul!

    Having just done MEL/SIN/FRA/JFK return I've decided to avoid the SQ J product wherever possible. Crew are brilliant but the tiny angled cubby hole for your feet is beyond ridiculous particularly if you are tall as I am. Clearly not well thought through design. Only seats that have any sort...
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    SQ's ops at MEL need a serious overhaul!

    Their baggage service (now conducted via Swissport, till October by Menzies Aviation) is complete garbage once you leave the customs hall. No way to get through to a human being and if by some chance you do the level of helpfulness is 0. As of yesterday at Gregorys luggage repair in Melbourne...
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    SQ's ops at MEL need a serious overhaul!

    Baggage services is one thing- (and yes when my case arrived 2hours + after I did it needed to visit baggage services because the wheel and stand had been shattered) at least there is a human being there The biggest issue is if you have to follow up by contacting them AFTER you’ve left the...
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    SQ's ops at MEL need a serious overhaul!

    And you haven’t mentioned the shambolic luggage handling and luggage damage service on arrival. SQ has switched now to Swissport for ground handling in MEL (UA still uses Menzies - who took TWO PLUS HOURS to deliver luggage to the carousel in MEL on December 2) and that is hardly any better...
  18. S

    Article: Is Airline Status Worthwhile If Flying Business Class?

    Sadly UA dropped the third free Y bag for Premier Executive (*G) members years ago but 2 bags at 32kg each is still not too shabby. It rises to 3 if you are in J
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    Article: Is Airline Status Worthwhile If Flying Business Class?

    Your article omitted to mention another benefit of status regardless of class of travel which is additional luggage allowance. Having achieved lifetime *G on *Alliance I am definitely more open to booking what is most convenient but I tend to gravitate back to my alliance airlines because of...