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  1. B

    QR Avios boost

    I suppose I can see how that would make sense but it seemed weird to me, it's not how BA Avios Boost works. Anyway it does now seem to be working. My transfers from Amex are boostable but weirdly the Avios I earned direct with Qatar by staying with ALL aren't (yet). Annoyingly, the price seems...
  2. B

    QR Avios boost

    So it seems there's been an update. The boost tile now shows for me (both in app and on browser) in the `manage your avios section', like @StarGoldPonyboy. It says that I have collected "{1}" Avios though and the link doesn't actually go anywhere, so it is still clearly being glitchy. I wonder...
  3. B

    QR Avios boost

    Thanks! This tile doesn't appear for me no matter how long I wait, unfortunately :( A few possibilities: - I'm on iPhone (I also tried that page on a computer browser and that button doesn't appear) - I have my QR and BA accounts linked so where your button appears I have a section on...
  4. B

    QR Avios boost

    When you say "the button in the QR app" do you mean profile > avios > Buy, gift or transfer avios > Boost your Avios > [This loads the webpage as linked previously but the `Boost Avios Now' button which is supposed to be there doesn't appear for me]? Any guidance on finding this button would be...
  5. B

    QR Avios boost

    So I'm looking to boost my QR avios from an Amex transfer I did a week ago but it doesn't seem to be working for me. When I click the `Boost Avios Now' button at: It just redirects me to here...