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  1. T

    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    Thanks for all of that, appreciate it. Mind - I have to disagree re: "You could argue that Qantas should release more seats, but that is what they've done with CR+. It's not anywhere near as good or valuable as CR, but it's not necessarily terrible either." I think CR+ is terrible - as I've...
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    I am not trying to win friends... and I was neither rude or ... the other thing. You could say I was sarcastic and cynical. OK sure, that's all plausible. EDIT: it does not, however, address my point that availability and pricing to LHR from Australia has changed DRASTICALLY and unfairly...
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    Err, sorry, did you skip over the part where they are flying sooo much over the next 10 months or so...? They seem to be doing nothing else... plus millions of points...
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    Hi Clayton, what do you think of the post directly under yours...?
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    what, and forfeit my points..? No, I'd like to use them, thanks - and it'd be nice if it weren't as difficult as running a marathon... on one leg... with no water... P.S. who wants to go to London in December (other than for Christmas/New Year)? I've lived there for 9 years - it's often...
  6. T

    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    OK sure, I'll try things like that going forward. Still - does not change the fact that it used to be much, much easier to get classic reward flights. Yes, I understand there is more demand now, however the difference is simply huge. In addition (and as I've said previously) - availability at...
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    Bangkok to Aman... Melbourne to Colombo... London to JFK... Thanks. Being in Sydney and wanting to go to London or Paris (to visit family) does not quite work... Again - I think Qantas should have increased availability of classic rewards for their most popular route (as opposed to reducing...
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    " To the extent they could have increased Classic Reward availability and provided Classic Plus at more reasonable prices. " Qantas points are also genuinely useful for booking flights on Oneworld airlines that don't originate or terminate in Australia. That actually is a big deal: once...
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    Fair to the people who gave them 2.7 BILLION dollars COVID subsidy - taxpayers, us. They took a MASSIVE handout and turned into RECORD profit, while letting go of hundreds of staff... Yes, they want to make profit, yes, there is higher demand - but: they could have increased availability of...
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    OK, I thought it was obvious after a couple of posts. Either way - now I've said it clearly.
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    Article: Reward Seat Release Patterns Have Changed Fundamentally

    I don't understand how is it possible that this many people (including hutch here) miss my point... Which is - Qantas have changed the game/moved the goal posts, drastically in their favour. I know they want to sell the seats for cash (duh!) - I am saying they are not playing fair.
  12. T

    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    Yet Qantas let go of many of their staff... how do you explain that?
  13. T

    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    OK - and what about the pricing of the alternatives (Classic Plus) - do you think that's fair?
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    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    Agreed. My biggest 'beef' is that they have gone too far with their prices really.
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    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    Again... used to be able to, why no more? I'd be OK if there was availability at a reasonable price increase, say 50% more... but no, there is Classic Plus at just about double the price. Again^ : Qantas took 2.7 BILLION DOLLARS from the taxpayers, posted RECORD profits after the borders...
  16. T

    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    As I've already said - you used to be able to find fares, plus I did look every day for many days, well ahead... Plus - they provided additional availability (Classic Plus) - does it have to be DOUBLE the price..??? 50% higher not enough? 1720687057 Can I suggest you don't assume I ONLY looked...
  17. T

    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    Wow... With all due respect - that is super ridiculous rant... Did you miss the part where I mention their website, prices and how much money they took from the tax payers, yet treat us this way...? I am a member of their FF program, have points but "don't deserve, or have the right to, access...
  18. T

    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    I don't feel I am entitled and how do you figure I want something for nothing??? Their OWN SITE says you need 287,000 points for a return business fare to London!!! Where can one get that these days?? They changed the game/goalposts DRASTICALLY in their favour, and all that AFTER they took...
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    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    More like $3,500 - EXACTLY what I paid when I booked Qantas flight yesterday (for next year). EDIT: this was for two tickets. another EDIT: who can say how much would taxes be if they were to fly to Sydney, does not necessarily mean they would double, that is hypothetical. Still, I feel my...
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    Qantas frequent flyers unleash over ‘almost worthless points’ in submissions to Senate

    Fees might be high, but they are not exorbitant like QANTAS prices - and the availability is million times better with Virgin. The most ironic thing for me - go to QANTAS tables/calculators on their site and see what they say it costs for a business class fare to London... Yeah, good luck...