airline lounges

For more information about getting access to Airline Lounges for less, read our Qantas Club Discount articles.
  1. bussyboy

    Taken 1x QF general lounge invitation expiring 4 July 2025

    High time I repay the previous favours from this thread, happy to give away this pass - to an established member please :)
  2. T

    Taken General lounge pass exp 21st March 2025

    I have one lounge pass expire on 21st March 2025. Please DM if anyone is interested in.
  3. A

    Taken 1 Qantas General lounge pass, exp 28 Feb 25

    have one qantas lounge pass that expires 28 feb. send me PM with details and i'll transfer
  4. Mort

    Taken 2 x Qantas Lounge Passes (General) Expiry 2 March 2025

    Hi All, Have a couple of general lounge passes which were earmarked for SIL and partner but plans change and so now I am making them are available to the forum. Let me know if you can use them, expiry 02 March 2025.
  5. DrGear

    Taken 2x General Qantas lounge passes - expiry 14 March 2025

    Got two general passes available, would like for them to go together and hopefully to people who've not had a chance to experience the lounge before. PM me if interested and first in who fits the bill is welcome to them.
  6. Oscarq

    Taken 2 x General Lounge Invitations exp February 28th

    2 x General Lounge QF Invitations exp February 28th, PM if you can use these.
  7. elanshin

    Taken 2x Domestic Lounge Pass - Exp 28 February 2025

    I have 2x spare DOMESTIC lounge invitation to give away. This can only be used in the domestic Qantas Club. Please DM me.
  8. BriarFlyer

    Taken 2 x General Lounge Invitations exp 19/2

    As per the heading, I have 2 x general invitations expiring next week. If any active AFF member can use them, respond in this thread and I will transfer ASAP.
  9. M

    Taken 2 x General Qantas lounge passes - expiring 2 Mar 2025

    I've got two general lounge passes that I haven't been able to pass onto family and expire on March 2. I'd love to give them to someone flying internationally who might be able to enjoy the experience than someone going to use them for 20 minutes in a Qantas Club.
  10. Mattg

    Loungepedia app - an alternative to LoungeBuddy

    Has anyone tried the Loungepedia app? With LoungeBuddy no longer around, this seems like a reasonable alternative. It shows all the lounge options at most airports, and you can configure the app by adding your elite status/lounge memberships/credit cards so that it shows you which lounges are...
  11. Youfah Mizzum

    Taken 1 x General Lounge invitation exp 25 Feb 2025

    I have 1 general lounge invitation expiring 25 Feb, so about 2 weeks. I am flying on 26 Feb - just 1 day later so this pass expires just a few hours too early :( <removed> Else I will give it away to first person with AFF Supporter banner and 100+ posts. DM/PM me with surname and QFF number.
  12. QF WP

    Taken QF General Lounge pass, expiring 4 March 25

    I've realised I have a Lounge pass (expiring 4 March 2025) that I certainly won't be able to use (I'm LTQC and about to hit LTG). Only stipulation is that you've been a member for a month and have posted on AFF. Lucky recipient - will need your QFF number to transfer the pass to you
  13. J

    Taken 1X Qantas first lounge exp 5 February

    For first lounge use and for member preferred (as opposed to family/friends etc)
  14. Mattg

    Change to SkyTeam domestic lounge access policy

    SkyTeam will end its long-running policy of not allowing Elite Plus frequent flyers to access lounges on domestic itineraries on 1 April 2025. There will still be some lounges that are not accessible on domestic itineraries, and there are exceptions for Delta and Aerolineas Argentinas Elite...
  15. V

    Taken 2x Qantas General Lounge Invitation - expiry 2 Feb

    DM with FF no. and surname.
  16. C

    Taken 1x Qantas General Lounge Invitation - expires 4-Feb-2025

    DM me with FF no. and surname.
  17. robtemt

    Taken 2 X General Qantas Lounge Passes - Exp 3 April

    I have two digital General Lounge invitations which expire on 03 April. Valid in Domestic Club or international Qantas Lounges (except LAX) Comment on here if interested. (Please no DMs) Prefer to give these as a pair, preferably for use in an international lounge. If you're going to use...
  18. R

    Suspected food poisoning Virgin Sydney lounge

    Hi all, Three members of our family flew together and ate breakfast at the Virgin lounge in Sydney on Sunday 19 January 2025. (We all had the scrambled eggs.) Over the next three days, typical of the incubation period for salmonella in different individuals, we all fell incredibly ill. I...
  19. sevenfourtyseven

    Taken 2x General Lounge Passes (Expiry 2 February 2025)

    Hi All, I have two General Lounge invitations that expire on 2 February 2025. Please DM if interested. Passes will be allocated separately and at random. Thanks.
  20. J

    Taken 2x General QF Lounge Invitations. Expiring 2/2

    Free to a good home!