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I noticed over the weekend that American Express has offered "Personalised Offers" that provides higher than usual bonus points that you get from standard offers, or Referral Offers:

Amex Explorer: 110K instead of 100K bonus:


Amex velocity: 120K instead of 100K offer


Amex Platinum: 275K instead of 200K


Platinum Edge: 50K instead of 0K


I decided to save the links as I may apply them after I have done my home loan refinances.

I could not reproduce the offers if I go to the website again without using the link I saved directly.

I asked my friend whether they have 120K Amex Velocity offer as part of their referral. They said that they only have 100K.

It looks like this will be a new direction from Amex to get new customers instead of relying on referrals over the past few years.
