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So after last months call to "see about cancelling" I called back today. Last month I called to ask when my annual fees would be due, how many days ahead would I need to empty my MR points balance, etc. Thinking this might flag a retention offer when I called back.

Nope. Agent initially offered me 1K points. I literally laughed, and she put me on hold, and said her supervisor is allowed to authorise an additional 4K more. I asked it it was per card, and she put me on hold again, and came back offering 15K all up to keep Plat Charge, Plet Reserve, and Explorer.

She claimed there is no retention team, and the computer automatically assigns retention bonuses. She said since I received 36K last year, that is probably why I didn't get one this year.

How dare they make me actually EARN my MR points! :)
