Your posts in other threads suggest you've been applying for a few cards lately - have you been declaring them honestly? If so, you have probably just hit your lending threshold, which is important to manage.
For now, assume the sum of your limits you have now as your maximum limit (remembering amex is more generous than the big 4 banks)
Wait a few months, close a few cards after you get the points, and try again, only requesting a low enough limit to stay below that max.
yes, that is coreect,
I have been declaring my income correctly, the only thing is that I chagned my status from casual to part time, but the amounts were correct,
Iguess I could have got caught out on the YTD income as Idid take some time off recently,
the sum of my limits is now $5k for main Card, and $6k for amex explorer,
I have a edge on the way too
I got preapproval for NAB< and they have been asking me for docs, one of the docs had a rental income in my nickname and they asked me to resubmit it with the correct info,
so Im hoping that goes through
Ive had rejections from anz and st geroeg
and now have a credit score of 510,
ive just applied for a free veda credit file,
to be honest, disappointed that I got rejected for a $35k card