Once you apply for, and succeed in becoming an Aus citizen, esp the Citizenship Ceremony, the info gets transferred to the AEC.
You or I dont have to do anything, they will have the address you listed on the citizenship application form, and also, the roll (not the public one), will also have data on you, ie, male/female, date of birth (that is how they (political parties) know when to, or used to send out the congratulation letter from the Queen), but now with her passing, it might be King Charles sending it out, or not.
You will be on the roll, or MrsJohnK will be, maybe not this election, maybe, or the next Qld state one tho.
I never had contact with the AEC, but as soon as I became an Aus citizen, the political parties started sending their spiel, pre election, except Clive P who had deregisterd his party.
Edit: ah, ...
Tho, just read up, he has a new party, called "Trumpet of Patriots"!