Yes, I have no problem with this sort of statement and I'd probably do the same if they asked nicely. However I do have a bit of the issue with organisations that try and heavy their customers, particularly when they resort to statements that I regard as fairly ridiculous, e.g. involving the AFP.They mentioned that it was affecting their system. To avoid any hassles I just agreed and will be resorting back to Telstra.
I'm late to the party and not super keen to read through 242 pages so does anyone have a link to info about the macro script being mentioned?
From my brief skim of the thread it looks like 50 tx/day to get 250 QFF points right?
Also it looks like the 10k bonus points offer has finished?
... Record step by step and you can let it play 50 times instead of manual input all the detail ...
Its all in this thread somewhere, sorry but I don't know where.How are people getting 2 cards? I just called and asked about the Platinum Debit card to be added to my account and it would then shut down the Normal Debit card.
Or are people signing up multiple family members for qantas transaction accounts but using the same Frequent Flyer number?
Walk onto a branch and upgrade. Then forget to ring them when your new card arrives, to cancel your old card.
New + old = 2
50 + 50 = double per day![]()
Ahh awesome thanks guys. So I currently just do the telstra paymybill page and enter in my bank west account details and imacro does that 50 times each day. So in theory when I get a debit card, I could use another service for another 50 transactions to get double. (I'm hoping haha)
Er, no. Play once, then refresh the receipt page at least 49 times.
You can even have a macro do the refreshing, using the following commands:
The WAIT command causes the macro to wait 3 seconds before executing the next step. It helps to avoid an error caused by refreshing the receipt page before it has finished loading.
Your account details or your card details? It will only work if you use your card, not direct debit from your bank account.
Your account details or your card details? It will only work if you use your card, not direct debit from your bank account.
If you go to the telstra paymybill page you can enter in the BSB and Account number and it will deduct it from your account.
If you do this, all you achieved is to pay telstra and not earn any points from bankwest - are you sure this is what you want?
Why is that? It's a transaction. I will wait for debit card then.
This transaction you refer to is a 'payment' directly from the bank account, just like any direct debit/ pay anyone transaction from the bank account
To earn point, you need to make a purchase using the debit card (as if it were a credit card)
If you still cannot see the difference between the 2, I'm sure other members can explain better
I've had one of these accounts for well over a year - have been reaping a thousand or so points a month just having cash sitting in there but haven't used it for transactions... and now stumbling across the pot of gold in this thread.
My understanding is, I can use this to pay 50 x 1c transactions per day off my Telstra bill, using the Telstra website, and thus earn 250 points per day (7500 per month) for $15 worth of transactions. Am I correct?