I went to the shops last night and did my usual shopping, but grabbed 4 grapes and against my better judgement subjected myself to going to the self serve checkouts... As usual the machines f'd it up as I find they do almost without fail and had me wanting to punch them... but anyway in the end i popped my one grape on and selected what i thought was the correct type of grape from the menu and it came ot 9 cents! i then popped another one on and chose some other variety and this came to 1 cent but when i pressed finish and pay it just put out like a receipt almost like it rounded it down to nothing before i could even zap the card! So then i put the last two on and it came to 16 cents i think!
So all up it seemed a bit of a pointless exercise for whoever suggested how much does a grape cost!!!
What I might find this card useful for is at work where they don't accept credit cards in the lunch area but you can pay for eftpos, although there is a $5 min, but still all the lunches etc that I have been paying cash for i can now split up maybe and 10-15 QFP a day if I don't pack my stuff...