POINTS!!! This month's batch is in 
To Rick93, I agree with the "what people are objecting to part". It seems to me that Bankwest are and always have been well within their rights to cancel your account as they would be to cancel my account or any other customer account they so wish without cause and without giving reason whatsoever. I could never see what possible positive outcome could have come from complaining to FOS, I mean were you seriously expecting Bankwest to reinstate your account and allow you to continue making micropayments at supermarkets?
So really, I object to you taking actions which could not possibly be of benefit to you and could possibly be a detriment to the community as a whole. This truely is a make hay while the sun shines situation and here you are taking steps which may encourage Bankwest to install a sun blocker.

What people are objecting to now is you still kicking up a fuss about it with Bankwest and potentially ruining it for everyone when you could just let it go, create an account under a family member's name and collect the free points the easy way like everyone else.
To Rick93, I agree with the "what people are objecting to part". It seems to me that Bankwest are and always have been well within their rights to cancel your account as they would be to cancel my account or any other customer account they so wish without cause and without giving reason whatsoever. I could never see what possible positive outcome could have come from complaining to FOS, I mean were you seriously expecting Bankwest to reinstate your account and allow you to continue making micropayments at supermarkets?
So really, I object to you taking actions which could not possibly be of benefit to you and could possibly be a detriment to the community as a whole. This truely is a make hay while the sun shines situation and here you are taking steps which may encourage Bankwest to install a sun blocker.