What a rediculous comparison.
It is not so ridiculous. They are both an addiction and both provide some sort of fix. I think you are mistaken if you did not think there are side effects from long term abuse of technology and in particular computers.
If you don't believe me then there are a few good movies in the past 20 years highlighting this fact. I wonder if anyone is going to realise what has happened when the majority of society are vegetables and lead their lifes via social networking and virtual reality.
Are you judging others by your own standards?
I would never judge others but I do look at some things through my eyes.
I have a few good friends. No one that I could not live without unfortunately and I am sure the majority of us are in this situation. I couldn't care less what my friends are doing on a day to day basis. We catch up maybe once a week or once a fortnight and find out what the other has been doing. All information given is voluntary. Many things remain private.
What astounds me is the craze that has hit society with sites such as Facebook and Twitter and how people need to get their fix daily. Not just once a day but more than once a day. Wake up and the first thing they do is check their phone. Lunchtime. After work. On the train. After dinner. Before going to bed.
Now in my eyes this is an obsession. It is a craze. Now some of these people have hundreds of "friends" on social networking. Some of these "friends" you would not go out of your way to say hello to but because they sent you a "friend" request you are not going to refuse and they are now a friend. Some of these "friends" you may have only met once in your life at some party and may never see them again. Yet people continue to track what each one of these "friends" is posting on these sites.
People must be really bored with their existence to want to live their lives through the lives of others. Movies, tv shows had the same type of effect but in moderation these were good. I don't know where society is heading but it does not look good from where I am sitting.
Perhaps I am wrong and should really follow blindly without thinking of the consequences....